It's been said that rugged West Texas is no country for old men. But it has long been the heartland of Texas high school football. It suits young men -- those willing to do what it takes -- quite well. West Texas boys are innately tough, rough, ready to be invincible. They are the original "Friday Night Lights" heroes.
In the Southwest Conference's heyday from the 1940s through the '70s, West Texans made up a sizable portion of the Texas college football platter. These days, not so much. Recruiters focus on the expansive population centers of Houston and the DFW Metroplex. There just aren't that many high school blue-chippers in all of West Texas, comparatively. That said, this writer always enjoys reviewing history and spotlighting the best of Longhorn football. So I decided to become a one-man panel and select a Texas Longhorn all-time team of West Texans, starting with the Darrell Royal era of the late 1950s.
The story of West Texas high school football players influence on the Longhorn Brand is written by Larry Carlson .
The History of Longhorn Sports
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