Went to the Salt Lick on Saturday....


2,500+ Posts
I have been one to criticize the Salt Lick's food but love the atmosphere. Well I hadn't been in about 3-4 years and now I live literally 7 miles from the place so a friend of mine came up on Friday and we all went out to the Salt Lick on Saturday afternoon.

It was a gorgeous day and temperate which added to the experience.

After waiting 30min (they said an hour for 3 but they were much quicker) we got in and I have to admit the meat was above average. The brisket was not as fatty even to the last plate as I normally remember. They still do the routine where they start putting more and more BBQ sauce as the plates come (to hide the meat I think) but even after taking much off it was still pretty good.

Anyway, I'll be back again especially how close we are now -- hell we are closer to the SL than we are to Rudys.
Rudy's blows chunx compared to The Lick.

& You can always ask them to bring your Q dry. Generically where do you live now? Circle C? I'm close to 290 / Camp Ben Road & we don't get out to the Lick anywhere near as often as I'd like to.

The wife & I got hitched across the street from The Lick @ Creekside Pavilion. The same people who own this facility also own Railroad BBQ - one in Kyle & the place in Manchaca is near 1626 & Manchaca Road.
