Bury the Shovels -- It's Okay To Lose
Interesting listening to ESPN radio this morning... (can't think of the host's name, but I like him)...
Anyway, the new paradigm on this program is the following, if you can believe it.
It's now okay to lose a game and not expect to go undefeated.
The new rule is "don't bury a team as soon as they lose -- everyone today can be expected to lose. Even more than once."
USC is so awesome that if they lose to a 25-point unranked team, then it means the whole college game has changed to the point that this is not unusual. Every team is going to lose somewhere in the season, so just get used to it.
USC has now demonstrated the new standard. It is ridiculous to expect to play your A-game all the time. Too many good coaches, too much talent, NFL schemes in the college games, high salaries at programs that aren't considered elite (as in Boise State, where the coach earns $900,000).. and so on.
And so... the loss by lofty USC has created such denial as that. To the point of creating an entirely new undersanding and appreciation of the college game.
Unified Field Theory Explained
Yet.... ANY OTHER PROGRAM COULD HAVE LOST and it would not have created an entirely new understanding of dark matter, the age of the universe, and the full understanding of the neutrino. But USC losing has now brought ultimate realization to us all.
Georgia loses. We still don't understand the strong nuclear force.
LSU loses, we are still working on the mysterious neutrino.
OU loses, still working on string theory.
But... USC loses... we now have a working model for the Unified Field Theory. At last, it all makes sense.
There has not been a college football program felated over as much as USC in the history of the game for as long as I can remember, and that goes back a ways. Even in losing to the magnitude of getting totally trounced, they are seen in such a light as now being a barometer for a new understanding of the entire game of college football.
Bury Game, Just Say NO
The latest word on ESPN radio is to put away your shovels and stop the Bury Game. Do not bury anybody that loses. Once. Or twice. It is okay to lose. To lose big. To lose to unranked 25-pt underdogs. To under-perform. To under-prepare.
Hell, I'm thinking the most excited campus anywhere today has to be in Collie Station. I'll bet aggy hits the tune-up meetings today proclaiming that they will start their national championship run tomorrow against Army. Big 12 South today. The world tomorrow. One or two losses to anybody. No big deal.
And no coach is on the hot seat anywhere. Pete Carroll has just shown that the best coach in the game is easily expected to show up flat as a manhole cover. It happens. It's football.
Listen, I can't stress the idiocy of this enough. The ESPN host was qualifying losing to the point of how many regular season games the 70's Steelers and 90s' Cowboys lost, and still were great teams. He went on and on how Jimmy Johnson's great teams lost a few regular season games....
It's just beyond belief. USC could have lost by 50 points and the new line would be... "You can expect to get half a hundred and 500 yards put on you a couple times a season, and it's just part of the game."
So get used to it. A 1-loss is the new Undefeated season.