It might be nice to provide the rest of the context, but (like "the media" Gone to Texas derides for neglecting context), of course, you are into selective quoting.
"We have never begun to tax the people in this country the way they should be. ...We have never begun to tax the people. I don't pay what I should. People of my class don't. People who have it should pay. "
The Link (from the same source as your quote-it was not, as you stated, a speech, but a private meeting)
Morganthau's views are much more complex than presented in the mined quote you regurgitated, and that has been going the rounds in conservative blogs lately. The year he stated that taxes should be raised on the upper classes, the top tax rate was about twice what it is today.
I don't support marginal tax rates of 80-94% as they were in those days, and I have no problem with the notion that spending cuts are in order. I do have a problem with deceptive, selective quote mining, however.
"To analyze your statement briefly, it's the position of you two gentlemen that there should be a tax bill to raise enough revenue to make a start towards balancing the budget?
and this:
"Looking the world over, each country through their armament program and this rearmament race is gradually getting near financial ruin"
He hated unbalanced budgets, and believed that budgets should be balanced with a combination of spending cuts and increased taxes on the wealthy. TexasGolf (go look at his views on , but if you are going to quote him, quote him fairly. All in all, you might not like his economics much, except for his dislike of Keynesian governmental spending, though, once again, his views are a little more complex. He was fine with "off the books" defcit spending during recession, for instance, notwithstanding your isolated quote. It is also interesting to note that the reductions in spending Roosevelt made at his urging contributed to the "Roosevelt recession" of the late 30's..