Watching 1990 UT vs Houston on LHN

Hadnot was such a great RB; really wish he could have made it, but we knew in advance the possibility of that was very low.

I've seen Ricky and Earl run over people in spectacular fashion, but the way Hadnot repeatedly blew up and abused poor Jerry Parks during that game is unique in my memory.
That was a fun evening, for sure. Loved the atmosphere, and I hope we never ever again are at the point where students are tearing down the goalposts after a win over a school like Houston. Or anyone, frankly.
I graduated from UT in May of 90, and I moved back to Houston on the day of this game. I had to hurry to get to my parents’ house in time to watch it with my dad. Fun game!

Odd to remember how good UH was back then for a few years. They were a scoring machine.
I hope we never ever again are at the point where students are tearing down the goalposts after a win over a school like Houston.

"Get that idiot off the goal post!!!"

My favorite game PSA ever. My girlfriend (now wife) and I had 50yd line first row student draw tickets for this game. I was merciless on the Cougar bench that night. Was standing on the 35 yd sideline with about 4 minutes left in the game. Can't get away that these days.
Agree --loudest at UT. Lots of bourbon was in floating around. Klingler was a tough QB but we pummeled him. He had never been harassed like that.
"Hondo Crouch, pick up your mother at the Broken Spoke"

"Today's other big score, Slippery Rock-----"
Today, those announcements would read something like "Hondo Crouch, pick up your mother, sponsored by the Broken Spoke."

"Today's Slippery Rock score is brought to you by Schlitterbahn and Rolling Rock beer."

I'm so glad CDC plans to minimize that crap.
That was such a fun night, on the sideline.. I was one of the student equipment managers, that season. I remember the Cash twins and Johnny Walker coming out of the locker room early and getting the crowd riled up. Coach Amedee was not happy! Hahaha
Many compared Hadnot's potential to Earl. DKR took umbrage to the comparison. "When Earl ran, snot flew. I haven't seen any snot".


Until Hadnot took that trip to Collie Station I thought he had a chance of becoming a Texas legend.....I mean, he did for being legendary stupid but not for what I thought. I can't seem to recall why he felt the urge to make that mistake because I thought he was pretty set here.
Good finds VH4L. I seem to remember ongoing grade and attending class issues. Think visiting lowly aggy was the straw.... sad ending for a kid with so much potential. Same thing with Ramonce Taylor.

I take serious exception to the "got lazy" comment where his classroom performance was concerned. We knew going in that Butch was an academic risk and probably would not make it, but we had hope that he would be the next George Rogers.

For a little history, Butch was from Kirbyville, where the Superintendent was named "Dockery", as in Rod Dockery's father. (Look Rod up under "banned by NCAA" and/or "Kevin Murray"). Rod spread the word that Butch would never pass the SAT, and later credited me with taking it for him. My response has always been that he would not have scored that high if I had taken it.

Did Butch talk to A&M? Yes, but mostly to find out how to stay eligible and get to the NFL. Butch has looked up to the Dockery family his entire life. Rod was close to Jackie, and friend;y with, but not nearly so close to RC.

Bottom line - Butch Hadnot was failed by The University of Texas, and more specifically by our lack of support in tutoring and academic assistance at that time. Please do not force me to embarrass our school and give specific examples, but I will tell you that I wrote the first check from Harris County to the proposed Longhorn Foundation only after Deloss promised to completely revamp and improve academic support for our athletes.