The Link
I think its time for a truce in the war on saggy britches. I'll be the first to say that wearing pants too low to cover your butt looks very ugly and silly to me and I expect is restricts movement. But wearing pants like that, with boxer briefs showing, is very important to some young people, an not just blacks and Hispanics. I don't think, so long as underwear is worn and kept pulled up, this is indecent. I'd be curious to know why people like wearing their pants that way. Is it simply to offend and offput the fifty year old and older white guy? Would all interest in this and gross tatoos covering half the body and spikes stiicking out of the lips and eyebrows go away if old farts like me ceased to be offended?
I think its time for a truce in the war on saggy britches. I'll be the first to say that wearing pants too low to cover your butt looks very ugly and silly to me and I expect is restricts movement. But wearing pants like that, with boxer briefs showing, is very important to some young people, an not just blacks and Hispanics. I don't think, so long as underwear is worn and kept pulled up, this is indecent. I'd be curious to know why people like wearing their pants that way. Is it simply to offend and offput the fifty year old and older white guy? Would all interest in this and gross tatoos covering half the body and spikes stiicking out of the lips and eyebrows go away if old farts like me ceased to be offended?