Just read the article on Yahoo about the Mexican political candidate assinated likely by a drug cartel. The article states that 22,000 people have been killed in recent years directly related to the war on drugs in Mexico.
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Some people, myself included, are supporters of legalizing marijuana in this country. The most typical response is that legalizing pot doesnt solve the problem of cocain or meth or heroin. What would happen if any and every drug were legalized? Before anyone jumps off the ship, let me ask, how many of you here would go to CVS and buy some cocain for 20 bucks? Meth? Heroin? How many of you would, really?
Just because its legal doesnt mean you are going to jump up and get high out of your mind. What stops most of you from going and getting a bottle of tylenol and ODing on it? Common sense? Rationality? But its legal. You dont have people killing eachother over drugs you can buy at the store, and they can be extremely harmful or lethal if taken inappropriately.
I dont think these drug cartels want drugs to be legal. They can charge more money and can have greater control over the market when it IS illegal. I really feel that all drugs should be legal, and it comes down to common sense to determine whether or not you are going to use them.
We can talk about health care costs, and thats a valid discussion. Put something on the table. Smoking cigarettes costs what to the American taxpayer? Lung cancer research or care costs are what? What about costs related to car accidents and deaths related to alcohol?
If drugs are ALL legalized and taxed accordingly, people should be able to choose to use them. The "war on drugs" is never going to end. Its just not. I feel that we would be better served to let people just choose to do what they want to their own bodies. They pretty much do anyway. Does anybody have any cost analysis for the ramifications of legalizing all drugs?
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Some people, myself included, are supporters of legalizing marijuana in this country. The most typical response is that legalizing pot doesnt solve the problem of cocain or meth or heroin. What would happen if any and every drug were legalized? Before anyone jumps off the ship, let me ask, how many of you here would go to CVS and buy some cocain for 20 bucks? Meth? Heroin? How many of you would, really?
Just because its legal doesnt mean you are going to jump up and get high out of your mind. What stops most of you from going and getting a bottle of tylenol and ODing on it? Common sense? Rationality? But its legal. You dont have people killing eachother over drugs you can buy at the store, and they can be extremely harmful or lethal if taken inappropriately.
I dont think these drug cartels want drugs to be legal. They can charge more money and can have greater control over the market when it IS illegal. I really feel that all drugs should be legal, and it comes down to common sense to determine whether or not you are going to use them.
We can talk about health care costs, and thats a valid discussion. Put something on the table. Smoking cigarettes costs what to the American taxpayer? Lung cancer research or care costs are what? What about costs related to car accidents and deaths related to alcohol?
If drugs are ALL legalized and taxed accordingly, people should be able to choose to use them. The "war on drugs" is never going to end. Its just not. I feel that we would be better served to let people just choose to do what they want to their own bodies. They pretty much do anyway. Does anybody have any cost analysis for the ramifications of legalizing all drugs?