VY--Stranger and Stranger

Wow. You go for a night drive and somebody calls the cops? WTF?

And now it's in the news? WTF?

Now there will be endless speculation and chatter on the radio about VY's mental health. Nice.

We live in Idiot World.
I'm conjuring up the slow OJ Bronco chase.

BTW, I forgot my phone at home today, so there may be a posse out for me .... INTERVENTION.
wtf happened to a man getting in his car and going for a ride to work **** out? i've done this so many times. i would say most men have.

or hell, maybe he had a new album he wanted to listen to while rolling around... i've done that so many times, too.

he's having a tough time in football. let the dude have an outlet without putting out an APB.

i know, the Titans see him as an "investment". he's still a person.
Jeff Fisher is a cock sucker.

EDIT: After reading it was friends/family of Vince that overreacted, I take back my cock sucker comment...this time. He's still a dill hole, though.
Vince is killing the planet with that SUV. Get a Prius, dude. ;-)

Seriously though, when I have some thinking to do, I often get in my car and drive around with no particlar destination in mind. I'd be pretty pissed if someone put out an APB on me.

There has to be more to this story though. The Titan's would not have called the cops if someone at Vince's house hadn't called them first and expressed some serious concerns. How else would the Titans' staff even know something was going on?

On top of that, who are these people in Vince's inner circle that can't take care of their family issues without calling Vince's employers?

How much do you want to bet that people in the media will be harping on the fact that he had a gun in his car? Nevermind the fact that it wasn't loaded, and there was no ammo. HE HAD A GUN!!!

I live in Tennessee, and I have a gun about 90% of the time. It's legal, and even smart to have a gun with you most of the time where I live.
It sounds like they care about Vince Young. It sounds like Mr Young is going through a bad (maybe just weird) time in his life. Best Wishes to Vince and may his life return to normal with returning to kick butt on the field.
Official statement from Titans:

“Last night, we received a call from people that are closest to Vince informing us that he had left his house in a state of mind that had them concerned; and that he was unreachable, having left his cell phone at the house. Not having all the facts available to us and approaching the matter prudently, we contacted Metro Police to make them aware of the situation and asked for their assistance in locating Vince. He was located at a friend’s house, where we made contact with him. He then came to the practice facility where it was determined that those initial concerns by his friends and family were unfounded and he returned home without incident.”
Holy crap - VY needs to unplug like the rest of us have to do on a regular basis. He must have a death wish! Get the authorities...

I concur, Fischer is a **********...
“Last night, we received a call from people that are closest to Vince informing us that he had left his house in a state of mind that had them concerned; and that he was unreachable, having left his cell phone at the house. Not having all the facts available to us and approaching the matter prudently, we contacted Metro Police to make them aware of the situation and asked for their assistance in locating Vince. He was located at a friend’s house, where we made contact with him. He then came to the practice facility where it was determined that those initial concerns by his friends and family were unfounded and he returned home without incident.”

OOPs sorry, I missed that it was just posted above.
You guys bashing the Titans and Fisher for this are being absurd.

Let's say something bad DID happen....and his friends/family had contacted the Titans and they had taken a "he's just blowing off steam" approach and done nothing...this board would have been in a meltdown state.

They are taking the safest approach, and when things turned out to be fine, Vince went home. If anyone overreacted, it's the people who dropped the dime in the first place. But if his friends/family are worried, why is it not ok for the team to be worried as well?
So, Vince got pissed at his woman, went to a Bo's house to vent, and finds out that the cops are looking for him. Nice.

Sounds like VY has more drama in his life than just football.
The Titans did the responsible thing. If a friend's wife called you and said that your friend left and she was worried about his mental state; and you couldnt contact him... You would have to call the cops as well.

Better safe than sorry.
I'm sure VY is fine - he's just unaccustomed to not being the very best at what he does. But give him time...
Hey, Houston Texans: the time is right. Matt Schaub and a 4th-rounder for VY.