VY Back at Practice Today

The article under that one talks about Kerry Collins not being able to see himself going back to the backup role after the last few weeks...

And I bet VY still cant see himself being a backup period.

It will be interesting to see how the egos play out in the near future. It sucks bc Collins could have been a good mentor to VY had VY just accepted it.
Peter King mentioned in his "10 things I think" or whatever, that he "thought he was hearing" that VY was rebuffing KC as mentor.


a) who knows if that's even true
b) who knows what history exists between KC and VY
c) what qualifies KC as a mentor? just because he has the experience, doesn't mean he's able to relate well to a young qb...or maybe KC's just still a prick...or maybe any number of things.

Chris Simms may be just as well qualified to mentor VY, and VY seems to relate well to him and get along very well with him.

Of course, the Titans blew their best opportunity to mentor VY when they locked (VY's Godfather) Steve McNair out of the facility.
Taps...Im assuming you "wow" means you think Im a dumbass. If so I apologize for my post on an internet message board. From now on I will only post hard facts that I have personal knowledge of.

But who knows...

1/2 the time what the media reports its wrong. I mean look at what happened when Vince went "missing". You had places reporting he was ready to kill himself and others reporting a misunderstanding.

With VY pouting and being immature as of late these reports and opinions might not be that far off. Im about as big a VY fan as there is. I hope he uses everything around him to bounce back from this.
Maybe, just maybe, rather than having Vince lose it now and have to bench him in his third year...like I was saying at the time to anyone who would listen...they shoulda kept McNair and let VY sit a spell, like a season or more, BACK THEN before ever letting him start a game.

Nah...I'm prolly just another crazy know-nothing armchair qb.
In one of the wildest moves in NFL history... or, ranking right up there.... VY is traded to the Texans!!!

VY needs to just grow up before even thinking about starting again. He won't be starting again this season unless KC gets injured or things just start falling about for the Titans.