Vondrell McGee


500+ Posts
After rewatching the Rice game I really liked what I saw from him. Not in terms of his yds or anything like that. I think Fozzy is gonna be our go to guy back there but Vondrell did some really smart things that I think are gonna be important to the team. For example, when we were at our own 1 he had 2 hands over the ball the entire play and he didn't try to dance he just kept moving forward. This is a very smart play. Then on the very next play he has a man coming unblocked at him so he makes a quick move up the field for a couple yds instead of trying to stretch it outside.

These are just a couple examples of some things I liked from him. Obviously he needs to produce more but he is playing smart and I always like to see that. I really think that against OU and Mizzou not turning the ball over and not gettings tackled for loss will be really important. He only lost 2 yds against Rice so I was happy to see that. He just needs to up his yds per carry and our run game could be really good. Thoughts?
yeah - i had been a little down on mcgee's pure rushing skills - as i think most are - but you make a good point. there is definitely way more to playing the RB position than just yards gained

protection, not losing yds (this one is big), not turning it over, being excatly where you are supposed to be at all times - all those add up

i think he just needs to balance the straightforward running and his downhill style with a little more moves and selective cuts - instead of just plowing ahead and taking so much contact. sometimes its a confidence thing - guys are used to making guys miss in HS and its not as easy in college - so they resort to getting whatever they can and lose confidence in making cuts or moves

hope he can improve there - he definitely has the build to do alot of different things in the offense. and getting fozzy back helps big time. if they can each find their roles we will be OK
I've actually liked what I've seen from him so far, he has much better quickness than I had expected. His average seems low to me because he's had some nice runs in there, but I guess it is what it is.