Black Ninja
500+ Posts
O.K. I just got finished reading some F'd up articles and comments about Vince, some of it stemming from the previous season, some of it stemming from him going back to school.
There seems to be a consensus out there that VY cannot read a defense to save his life. As a Texas fan AND a VY fan I call BS on that. HOWEVER, after all the crap I've read I have to ask the question to the resident experts.
Was it truly the case that the offense was simplified for Vince or is it the case that some people (Hoge) really can't tell the difference between a pass play and a DRAW play (and automatically assumed that he was a run first type guy)?
Another question I have is if Vince is truly nothing more than an athletic freak that can leap tall buildings and etc., what led to him leading the nation in passing efficiency and how did he manage to throw for 3,000 yards? Did he manage this w/ his feet or the threat of his feet alone???
Next question I have is related to the idea that NFL defenses has caught up to what Vince can do. I know that the NFL is a 24/7 operation and they spend a lot of time on this, but come the F on man, college coordinators aren't idiots. They actually see a VARIETY of offenses and personnel throughout a season, and have to prepare accordingly. Do you really think that coordinators in the NFL can come up with a gameplan to stop VY where college coordinators cannot?
Hell, maybe they can.
Which leads to my next much control of the Titans offense did VY have control over in the first place??? One of the things I hate the most about football is how such ridiculous crap gets put on the QB. I read alot of stuff about Tennessee running a lot of screens and VERY GD like short passes because that was the only pass that VY could complete. And of course there's the "bruising" run game of the Titans that was there to "compensate" for Vince. Did VY really have the chance to audible, change protections, etc. or did he simply have to run the play that was called?
Anyway, I'm getting away from my central question...was the TEXAS offense simplified? Why was it the case that even before he took a NFL snap was he pegged with not being able to read defense? And whether the Texas offense was simplified or not, did Mack Brown do a diservice to Vince by proclaiming it to the national media that "he just let Vince be Vince"? Now MY uninformed take on that was that Mack Brown was just doing his simple folksy coachspeak meant to be complimentary to Vince's talent. However it seems the media vultures (Hoge and others) has taken it to mean that VY cannot play the QB position, and Mack Brown STILL cannot coach.
I know it's all opinion anyway but I want to hear answers from the good people here about this. It seems that my opinion of VY is in the minority.
There seems to be a consensus out there that VY cannot read a defense to save his life. As a Texas fan AND a VY fan I call BS on that. HOWEVER, after all the crap I've read I have to ask the question to the resident experts.
Was it truly the case that the offense was simplified for Vince or is it the case that some people (Hoge) really can't tell the difference between a pass play and a DRAW play (and automatically assumed that he was a run first type guy)?
Another question I have is if Vince is truly nothing more than an athletic freak that can leap tall buildings and etc., what led to him leading the nation in passing efficiency and how did he manage to throw for 3,000 yards? Did he manage this w/ his feet or the threat of his feet alone???
Next question I have is related to the idea that NFL defenses has caught up to what Vince can do. I know that the NFL is a 24/7 operation and they spend a lot of time on this, but come the F on man, college coordinators aren't idiots. They actually see a VARIETY of offenses and personnel throughout a season, and have to prepare accordingly. Do you really think that coordinators in the NFL can come up with a gameplan to stop VY where college coordinators cannot?
Hell, maybe they can.
Which leads to my next much control of the Titans offense did VY have control over in the first place??? One of the things I hate the most about football is how such ridiculous crap gets put on the QB. I read alot of stuff about Tennessee running a lot of screens and VERY GD like short passes because that was the only pass that VY could complete. And of course there's the "bruising" run game of the Titans that was there to "compensate" for Vince. Did VY really have the chance to audible, change protections, etc. or did he simply have to run the play that was called?
Anyway, I'm getting away from my central question...was the TEXAS offense simplified? Why was it the case that even before he took a NFL snap was he pegged with not being able to read defense? And whether the Texas offense was simplified or not, did Mack Brown do a diservice to Vince by proclaiming it to the national media that "he just let Vince be Vince"? Now MY uninformed take on that was that Mack Brown was just doing his simple folksy coachspeak meant to be complimentary to Vince's talent. However it seems the media vultures (Hoge and others) has taken it to mean that VY cannot play the QB position, and Mack Brown STILL cannot coach.
I know it's all opinion anyway but I want to hear answers from the good people here about this. It seems that my opinion of VY is in the minority.