Vince and Fisher

honestly, i always felt that VY's talents were wasted on football. the man should be elected president or pope, perhaps then his true greatness would be realized to the world. by the way i'm starting a new world religion/cult, all are welcome. all you have to do is pledge allegiance to the great one - VY
Man, it took me a while to adjust my sarcasm meter after reading DVP's post.

It's somewhat good to see Fisher defending his players
Just watched Morons on Parade, otherwisw known as The Sports Reporters on ESPN. They are discussing the fraud calling himself the Titan team psychologist, who apparently does not the meaning of the term patient confidentiality. This is getting beyond freaking ridiculous. People just need to leave this young man alone. He will be fine mentally and physically if the coaches would simply let him do what he does best.

I wonder how many of these reporters see analysts from time to time and how they would feel if their sessions were aired publicly, regarldless of what was said.
You know, it's funny, the Footballguys board has been on fire with threads about the supposed VY "suicide" scenario all week. Any mention of VY has generated tons of hits and responses.

Today I posted this article which rationally explains everything and you can probably guess the response. Yeah, that's right......


Seems people are only interested in sensational, bad news about these guys. The article made perfect sense of so much that made no sense before. Nobody was interested in hearing it, though.

Sadly, maybe that explains the media's tack these days.
I do think it would be good for Vince to sit and learn. All VY hype aside, here's a guy who left UT less than than three years removed from being a glorifed running back. He's come a long way in a short time - so far that I think people forget that he still had some seasoning to undergo.

Oh, and maybe by the time he's starting they'll actually pick up a wide receiver.
Fisher has not control over the money Bud Adams will spend. He's known to be cheap and he's proving it. Maybe he'll wake up and realize you need guys that can make plays at WR but I doubt it.
I expect that the psychologist had to talk to the police about her concern. I do not understand the ins and outs of patient confidentiality, but I would expect that if the therapist is genuinely concerned about the safety of a patient then she is ethically bound to do something about it. Now whether the psychologist is competent can be debated, but based on this report it sounds like Young needs to find a new marketing agent. Sounds' like the blame is now being directed at Mu.

A) Ricky isn't a 'bad' person
B) Cedric has shades of gray as to the 'morality' of his decisions
C) Vince isn't a 'bad' person. He's QUITE the opposite.
Nico is obviously a deeply flawed individual. Far beyond the mortal flaw of being an okie dirtburglar.

So flawed in fact that I vote for banning.

Well Nico you know what they say about opinions . . . . you can have one and be one.

There are a lot of Sooners welcome on this board and they arent expected to pull their punches and dont. But they also post with a modicum of respect for the fact that this is a Texas board.

In addition to your similtude to the common aspects of an opinion, you bear a remarkable resemblane to a mythical creature found lurking under bridges.

In the words of TWIYTC, GTFOH and GFY.

Some of you people keep commenting on docotr/patient confidentiality and all that stuff. Y'all are part of a growing problem on Hornfans. You're commenting on a link you obviously didn't care to read, becaude it clearly states in the article that VY never even spoke with this therapist himself, she was relaying info to Fisher that she had gotten from someone in VY's camp, not Vince himself. Jeez people, at least take the time to read the article you are opining (sp?) on.