Venezuela Suspends Exxon Oil Shipments

Where did FCH run off to? He usually has some insight into Venezuela matters.

Chavez again is all talk, and his people aren't buying it.
The best thing to do is NOTHING. He will be consumed by the hostility at home soon enough as long as the US doesn't do anything stupid.

Best options for getting rid of Chavez:

1) Ignore him
2) Kill him

Worst options for getting rid of Chavez

1) Posturing & Angry Words
2) Failed assassination attempt
If he does it, it won't last. He needs the money as bad as we need the oil. If he sells it to someone else, we'll just buy the oil the "someone else" would have bought. Besides that fact, much of the world is not set up tp process the high sulfur oil that Venesuela produces. We are. It's just sabre rattling.

Who takes this clown seriously???



Hugo and Amadinijad have their first presidential dance
"I hope that's your cell phone in your pocket Hugooo!"


Douche bags
Bottom line is that GWB has really nothing to do with the America-bashing by Chavez or any other bananna republic leader. That is on the first page of their worn out playbook. It is always the fault of the United States. Yes, Chavez is an embarassment to businessmen in Venezuela but if they don't play his game they're out of business. Of course, Exxon Mobil is not inclined to play his game. Good for them.

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