Venables Presser today, Thank Goodness for Sark


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FEEL FREE TO IGNORE. YES. Yes I know this is OU. If this post irritates you, move on.

My point is to show the significant difference between Sark and Venables in professionalism, transparency and leadership.
Dude basically throws his players under the bus in a Jimbo like manner at times. Rambles a lot.

Im certain V is a good man and an above average coach… but as i watched this it hit me how blessed we are to have Sark.
*‘Ain’t nobody throwin’ nobody away’’
*‘I don't expect you to whoop somebody’

The first 15 min are dead air, not surprised..this is OU, but fast forward to around the 15 minute mark.

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FEEL FREE TO IGNORE. YES. Yes I know this is OU. If this post irritates you, move on.

My point is to show the significant difference between Sark and Venables in professionalism, transparency and leadership.
Dude basically throws his players under the bus in a Jimbo like manner at times. Rambles a lot.

Im certain V is a good man and an above average coach… but as i watched this it hit me how blessed we are to have Sark.
*‘Ain’t nobody throwin’ nobody away’’
*‘I don't expect you to whoop somebody’

The first 15 min are dead air, not surprised..this is OU, but fast forward to around the 15 minute mark.

That sounded and felt remarkably like Charlie Strong presser.
"We have to get better."
Lot's of "uh's."
"That's on us as coaches."
Lot's of fidgeting squirming.
Yes we have a Diamond in Sark. It's a great time to be a Longhorn.
That sounded and felt remarkably like Charlie Strong presser.
"We have to get better."
Lot's of "uh's."
"That's on us as coaches."
Lot's of fidgeting squirming.
Yes we have a Diamond in Sark. It's a great time to be a Longhorn.

The only way to make it worse would be have Venables give a medical presentation.
We need to mercilessly skull-**** these goons on October 12 pardon the zesty language
Didn't know the guy, but his sideline behavior against us his first year in Norman soured me forever on the guy. I view him as a Bo Pelini wannabe. There is a major problem in the Dust Bowl. Dr Boren is gone; he loved Sooner sports and he loved The University of Texas. With the cretin they hired to replace him, not sure they can get anyone "desirable" to replace Venables.
I know it sounds crazy now, but there were multiple posters on this site calling for Sarks head early on.
I think it was due to the 5-7 inaugural season which included a loss to KU. Then in his 2nd season we lost some games due to poor 2nd half play if I recall. Finished 8-4, and although it could have been better, I think it was the way we had those losses (recall OSU game?). We had young players (recall Sark pulled in nearly 40 players between year 1 and year 2). Also recall we had little depth.

It’s all 20/20 now but yes some folks couldn’t see the big picture. I believe I saw the future early on with Sark pulling in all the 5* QB’s.
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I know it sounds crazy now, but there were multiple posters on this site calling for Sarks head early on.
Sorry, I missed those posts. I met him early on when he spoke t a group here in Houston on his first outing outside of Austin. He looked like a deer in the headlights because he had just found out what a mess the locker room was, which was something I had been saying for months.

He really wanted the job but had no idea what he walked into. Give him ultimate credit for instilling his "culture" and shaping up some of the malcontents and running off the rest.

We are indeed very fortunate to have the best AD, the best SID, and the best HC in the country, and you can make an argument for each being the best ever.
FEEL FREE TO IGNORE. YES. Yes I know this is OU. If this post irritates you, move on.

My point is to show the significant difference between Sark and Venables in professionalism, transparency and leadership.
Dude basically throws his players under the bus in a Jimbo like manner at times. Rambles a lot.

Im certain V is a good man and an above average coach… but as i watched this it hit me how blessed we are to have Sark.
*‘Ain’t nobody throwin’ nobody away’’
*‘I don't expect you to whoop somebody’

The first 15 min are dead air, not surprised..this is OU, but fast forward to around the 15 minute mark.

A good man who was, and is a very good defensive coach. But I am afraid that he is another glaring example of coordinators failing as head coaches. When they fire him hear’s hoping he lands on his feet for a blissful ride to retiremet. Okies’ selfworth is tied to OU football and losing, especially to their biggest envy to the South, will get the coach fired and it doesn’t take long.

Maybe Clemson will call for the old gig.
So, I'm mixed about posting all my views /perceptions of Veneables, so I'll opine my Cliff Notes views:

Overall, I think he is a hot-headed HC. He is NOT a CEO and not as professional / polished as he should be, especially for a major university.

He is a DC that once coached D at ou and had success elsewhere.

ou was caught by surprise when Lincoln Riley hauled *** without warning. The AD had to scramble to find a new HC.... Veneables was one of a few alternatives they could find on short notice.

IMO, BV is not a players coach. I played football for a players coach in Jr. High. I played for a NOT-a-players coach in HS. I KNOW the difference.

I also think if you privately polled ou players and they were honest, I suspect most would confide that Veneables is a good D coach re: X&O's, but not respected much and uses fear far too often.

I could speculate MORE what his players might say, but will stop here....
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Sorry, I missed those posts. I met him early on when he spoke t a group here in Houston on his first outing outside of Austin. He looked like a deer in the headlights because he had just found out what a mess the locker room was, which was something I had been saying for months.

He really wanted the job but had no idea what he walked into. Give him ultimate credit for instilling his "culture" and shaping up some of the malcontents and running off the rest.

We are indeed very fortunate to have the best AD, the best SID, and the best HC in the country, and you can make an argument for each being the best ever.
Wow! That is high praise coming from someone who actually knows what he is talking about.
Your opinion of him is higher than mine.
To be clear- I meant it is high praise from you (someone who knows what he is talking about). To say the following-
“We are indeed very fortunate to have the best AD, the best SID, and the best HC in the country, and you can make an argument for each being the best ever.”
Thank you for the kind words. I should have quoted Worster because I was responding to his post on Venables.

Again, thanks. Last time someone said something that nice about was Mrs Sutton when I won the fourth grade math competition.
Sorry, I missed those posts. I met him early on when he spoke t a group here in Houston on his first outing outside of Austin. He looked like a deer in the headlights because he had just found out what a mess the locker room was, which was something I had been saying for months.

He really wanted the job but had no idea what he walked into. Give him ultimate credit for instilling his "culture" and shaping up some of the malcontents and running off the rest.

We are indeed very fortunate to have the best AD, the best SID, and the best HC in the country, and you can make an argument for each being the best ever.
"Hear hear" Sabre - Couldn't agree more, and would add the speed with which he was able to do so as the only addition to your commentary.
I have faith in Venables. The defense highlights his ability. I'll give him patience. Losing two first round T in the draft hurt. I think that had a lot to do with Dillon G's thinking.

Sark is a boss. They're football coaches not politicians. BV is doing pretty good in recruiting.

He does remind me of the guy we all know from college from a few decades ago who's still working out like a D2 athlete, chugging creatine/coffee, and running on 3.75 hours of sleep combined with two 12 minute power naps in the day.

I thought Sark was what you guys were saying about BV. Looks like I was wrong and was being more "wishful". I think that's the case here.

Wow! That is high praise coming from someone who actually knows what he is talking about.
I hate to stand up for DKR here, but, what the hey?
I listened to the presser and wasn't that put out by BV. He was pretty direct with their offense failures in the game, I am suprised he didn't pump up the defensive effort more against that Tennesse offense. He did have glowing praise over and over for the kicking game which seemed a little odd. Thought he was pretty direct about JArnold and the failures in the game and reasons for the change.

I know the Orange KoolAid is flowing like wine at the wedding in Cana right now but we are less than 12 months removed from this jackwagon beating us at the state fair.
Bubba Believe it or not most of us want ou to do sorta well.
Heck what fun would it be to say ou sucks if you did suck all the time

Personally, I only want OU to suck one day a year. Outstide of that, it doesn't bother me one way other the other if they suck or not. I generally laugh if they do suck, but don't get bothered if they don't.
Bubba Believe it or not most of us want ou to do sorta well.
Heck what fun would it be to say ou sucks if you did suck all the time

I always told Barry that there is no one I wanted to beat more than him, but I pulled for OU in every other game because I wanted it to stick in his gut that he only lost ONE GAME and that was us, and he had to wait 365 days to try to get even.

For those who do not know him, he would have made a great preacher. Best eulogy I ever heard, he delivered at the funeral of a mutual friend in Columbia, SC. When he spoke at Fred's, he admitted that Fred was the only coach that beat Barry more times than Barry beat him.