UTmail / Gmail Accounts


I got an email about this today so I assume others did as well, but I thought I’d post something here in case you missed it.

If you have one of the free “@utexas.edu” Gmail accounts that was offered years ago (2014?) by the TexasExes, Google is making some changes effective November 1 of this year that may impact your account and Google Drive file storage. Below is the email I received.


You are receiving this email because you are an alumnus, former student, or retiree of the University of Texas at Austin and you have a UTmail Google account. Below is information about your UTmail Google account and any action you may need to take before Nov. 1, 2022, when the university will implement storage quotas for UTmail Google accounts.

Your UTmail Google Account Usage
Account: [@utexas.edu email address]

Storage: You are using 0 GB total storage

Drive: 0 GB

Gmail: 0 GB

The last time you logged in: 2/1/2022 7:06:00 PM

Do you have files in Drive? No

Action Required

Google Drive Storage

If you have any files stored in your UTmail Google Drive, you must export and/or delete your files before Nov. 1, 2022.

Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 22, 2022, your access to UTmail Google Drive will be disabled, including access to any files shared with you. Please take appropriate action to download, copy, export, and/or delete files before you lose access.

Gmail Storage
If your total storage in Gmail is above 1 GB, you must reduce your Gmail storage usage to below 1 GB before Nov. 1, 2022.

UTmail Google Gmail users who are over quota on Nov. 1 will not be able to send/receive Gmail until their storage is reduced below the allotted quota. Additionally, the university may be forced to delete emails or files in your account to comply with Google?s quota limits.

Account Active Status
You must log in via a web browser at least once every 365 days to keep your account active.

Beginning Dec. 12, 2022, if you have not logged in to your account within 365 days, your account will be archived and then deleted after 120 days.

Forwarding your email does not retain active account status.

Additional Information
You will receive a separate email if you have another UTmail Google account.

For more information on these changes, including how to migrate your data, please visit What's Changing with UTmail?.

If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk at 512-475-9400 or [email protected].
Thanks for sharing. I got the same email. I actually use that email as my primary personal email so I will have some cleaning up to do before Nov 1.

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