B Barton Hills 1,000+ Posts Sep 15, 2008 #2 Bueno. 6 pm would have owned, but at least it's not at 11 am.
U UTRanger 2/75 100+ Posts Sep 15, 2008 #3 Well that kills the whole day of ACL for me!! I was hoping for an early or late start!!
L lanceut 250+ Posts Sep 15, 2008 #4 Crap. That almost certainly means no HD as the 2:30 Big 12 game always gets the shaft.
B BigSHELL 25+ Posts Sep 15, 2008 #5 Already sold my ACL pass. A subpar ACL isn't keeping me from a gameday.
F Fievel121 2,500+ Posts Sep 15, 2008 #6 Son of a.... I have to work that day. I was hoping for a 6:00
Statalyzer 10,000+ Posts Sep 15, 2008 #7 I'm glad it's not at 6:00. At least this way I can watch half the game before having to switch over to the car radio. The really good news is ABC actually gave us some heads-up notice instead of waiting until the week before the game to decide the time.
I'm glad it's not at 6:00. At least this way I can watch half the game before having to switch over to the car radio. The really good news is ABC actually gave us some heads-up notice instead of waiting until the week before the game to decide the time.
S South Austin 2,500+ Posts Sep 16, 2008 #10 Traffic will be a pain, but probably not as bad as if it were a 6pm kickoff and we would be leaving the game around the same time as the Zilker Park exodus after Day 2 of ACL.
Traffic will be a pain, but probably not as bad as if it were a 6pm kickoff and we would be leaving the game around the same time as the Zilker Park exodus after Day 2 of ACL.
ngnichols 250+ Posts Sep 16, 2008 #11 Sweet! Good thing I don't have to leave Dallas super early for a morning game.
H HuskerNKingwood Guest Sep 16, 2008 #13 Huskers/VT at seven that night, in prime time also. Gonna be a GREAT day of football.