UT volleyball alumni


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Four UT volleyball exes are shown on the roster for the US national team: Rachael Adams, Juliann Faucette, Destinee Hooker, and Lauren Paolini. Pretty cool that four out of the 26 are from Texas.

And this update from USA Volleyball records a lot of the top players who are on pro teams. UT players include: Rachael Adams (Poland), Jennifer Doris (Japan), Juliann Faucette (China), Sha'Dare McNeal (Italy), and Lauren Paolini (Japan).

Cracks me up to think about those two 6'5" ladies, Lauren and Jennifer, walking around Japan. They surely stand out!

I think the list above shows just transfers, and there are other UT exes are playing pro, including Destinee Hooker. Isn't Amber Roberson? Dunno about Michelle Kocher and Ashley Engle, who used to play pro. Believe Michelle Moriarty still a pro on the beach.

Has anyone heard if our current seniors will be heading to pro ranks?
Those are very cool and surely could be a help for people in general, not just female athletes, wanting to stay for an extended time overseas. Good hints and tips.
Dariam Acevedo's dad passed away on December 30, 2013. I'm sure she and her family could use our prayers. May he rest in peace.
Rachael Adams is playing really well for the US Women's National Team. On Friday, they beat Russia and Adams had 10 kills on 16 swings, two blocks and two aces for 14 points.

Watching the replay is awesome....same hard, sharp angles we saw so often in Gregory.

Here is the writeup.

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