UT Players Sports Nutrition


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I just read this quote from an LSU lineman and it got me thinking:

“When you are eating wrong, it’s easy to add weight. So I decided to stop with that, and I lost a bunch of weight. I felt like I was looking like a tight end. I was 360 and was so overweight, and I know that they wanted me to get down some.
“When I looked at what I was eating, I was eating bad. Once I cut that out completely and started to eat the right things, the weight lost itself. And then running every day, working out and eating the right way, it lost itself. I have just been stern on eating the right things.”

Do we have a team dietician, or at least a competent dietician on staff with the athletics department? I'd hate to think we're serving up double helpings of X-large chicken fried steaks with gravy, followed by 3 scoops of ice cream, to linemen that are trying to lose (or maintain) weight. True, they're grown men with (in theory) the same freedoms as other UT students*, and they can make their own choices. We've got to balance that with the fact that they're getting a full-boat ride/education and are expected not to eat their way out of contention. One might also say: "I don't care what they eat, Yancy McKnight will take care of it." But some really in-shape/athletic folks I've known say "You can't out-train a bad diet."

Is this a problem?

*the team has rules that obviously don't apply to other students

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