US Gov coming after Texas land

"I will not allow them to come and survey my land. I have an American-given right to protect my property"

You really don't anymore and it is not really your property. if it was, you wouldnt be taxed on it every year. you are really paying rent on your land.
**** that stupid pointless fence. I do think illegal immigration needs to be curbed but NOT at the expense of our border region's environment.
Good for her!

That stupid fence isn't going to stop a damn thing.

Spend the money on prosecuting businesses that hire illegals - that;s the only way to stop the tide. Stop the demand.
Spend the money on prosecuting businesses that hire illegals - that;s the only way to stop the tide. Stop the demand.

That would require the government to have common sense. And to think we are probably going to elect a president desiring more government programs and control.
The taking of Texas land for that fence is miniscule when you compare it to the amount of land Rick Perry and TXDOT are going to seize for the Trans-Texas Corridor.
The TTC has lost a little of it's momentum. The head of TxDot passed away right after Christmas. He was a buddy of Perry's and a big force behind it. Of course, chances are that his successor is cut from the same cloth.
This is a done deal.
Funny how conservatives were pushing so-called "property rights" not that long ago. I guess property has rights where the environment is concerned, but not when brown people are sneaking into the U.S. to perform low-paying jobs.
Oh, name-calling gone awry. It's almost like a reprise of the Clinton-Obama spat.

If Arlington can take 50 homes to build Jerry Jones a stadium, I think the U.S. will probably prevail in building a fence on the edge of someone's property.
That is an honest mistake and I don't doubt you know your geography, but I must admit that was one of the funniest things I have seen today. I'm glad you fell into that trap.

Immigration and illegal immigration are complex issues and a fence isn't going to mean crap in the long run. The public's desire for simplistic sound bite answers from politicians in order to get elected really is a detriment to the issues facing our nation.
your glad I fell into that trap? What does that even mean? It wasn't a "trap" and your glad people post before they stop to make sure they read what they thought they did? Yea, that's gotta give you a post-modern fuzzy feeling.

If anyone had posted what I thought was posted, they'd have deserved what they got. I'm glad
to have been wrong about username.
I'm glad because it was funny softly. I knew right away that you thought someone had posted that Mexicans were lowering our IQ, but it was actually a post about Oklahoma.

I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing with you. I thought it was funny, because my reaction would have been the same if I thought someone had written that post about Mexicans.... written about Sooners I agree with it.
Okay. Just seemed an odd phrasing to me. And yeah, I had to LOL at myself earlier. I think part of it was spillover from real life - I overheard a racist conversation on the subway today, some pretty foul stuff. Guy was wearing an NRA hat, so I figured best to keep my indignation internal.
softly I spend as much time in Mexico as I can. The coast, the mountains, the border... mission work and vacation.

Yea, I see now where it seems I was being harsh on you, but that was not the intent. I was truly laughing with you.

I think we can agree on Mexico and on the Indian Terr.
When I read that comment, my first response was indignation as well.
'[Censored] racist [censored] [censored]...'

Then I looked again and saw 'Red' river, and had a good laugh.