Unemployment ?'s


< 25 Posts
I was laid off from a job last September and filed for unemployment. I found another job soon, but took some time getting hired. Well I was at this next job for all of a month when the owner decides he didnt want to continue my employment. Now, according to the owner, I was being let go because of company reasons, and through no fault of my own. Even suggesting that I use them for any references because I was such a good employee and person.

I then proceeded to apply for benefits again and was approved. This week I get a letter stating that I owe TWC all the money back because the last employer said I was fired due to job inadequacy. Almost $3000 in total.

I am going to appeal this, but I have no idea what I can do to ensure that I am not screwed here. Anyone deal with this before and have some advice.

I think I will win because when he let me go, he paid me for the next 2 weeks of my pay period. Employers usually dont do that if they fire you huh?
Contact your state Senator or Rep. Request they assist you in finding out why your employer/TWC changed their minds. Usually, what they will do is contact their legislative affairs person at the TWC H.Q. in Ausin. You might need to provide paper work.
I have to fax in paperwork stating that I want to appeal. I was mainly just wanting to know what kind of procedures I might have to go through on this.

The only paperwork I have regarding the job is the last check stub they gave me. I was probably stupid in not asking for a written reason for being released. It will probably come down to who they believe the most.

It's just hard for me to accept that someone that had such praise and nice things to say when they let me go would do this. I'm better off for not working for such shady people in the long run I guess.
Don't know about the appeals process. Hope it ends on a positive note. But if not, chalk it up to a lesson learned. If it comes down to your word or theirs, guess who's going to get screwed? Always make sure your a$$ is covered!

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