Understanding the Kurd/US relation in Syria


There is no question any longer about the Kurds going mad. They are putting statehood to a referendum which the Iranians have called “ill-advised” and the Turks have called “casus belli”. Needless to say, the United States, anxious to carve Syria up according to plans made for them by the European settlers of the Zionist Obscenity, is behind all this silliness. And Kurds have, evidently, swallowed the narrative, hook, line and sinker. Masoud Barazaani, the Iranian-born septuagenarian leader of the Iraqi Kurds, thinks he’s found that Irish pot at the end of the rainbow. He might be surprised to learn that the pot is one used in British bedrooms and dumped out regularly by Kurdish chamberlains.

It appears to many of us that the Kurds have been enlivened by the promises of Donald Trump. Unaware that the Kurds have been snookered by the Treaty of Lausanne, (because Mr. Trump simply doesn’t read anything), and have been the victims of an entirely endless concatenation of promises, treaties and covenants, he actually thinks the Kurds are stupid enough to fall for his razz-ma-tazz NYC jive. Well,……….they are! Jokes about Kurdish ignorance are as common as Polish jokes in the U.S. And that’s because the Kurds keep doing silly things like believing American and British lies. If the truth be told, the only man who ever kept his promise to the Kurds was Saddam Hussein who vowed, in private, to kill them all and unleashed his cousin, Chemical Ali, to make good on that vow.

Always stateless, they have pined for their own state since time immemorial. But, the Good Lord works in strange ways. You see, God in all his magnificence platzed these unfortunates in an area, not only devoid of any access to the sea, but, also, an area populated by everybody else, including Arabs, Iranians, Ayzidis, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Armenians, Assyrians, Azeris, Greeks and even, probably, Trobriand Warriors, Inuits and Amazons, to name but a few.

They have played important roles in Middle Eastern history by producing some of the greatest leaders in aggressive political Islam, not the least of whom is the legendary general and king, SALAAHUDEEN AL-AYYOOBI, who is actually more popular in Europe than he is in the Arab Fertile Crescent. Saladin, as he is known in the West, was lionized in the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” directed by Ridley Scott. The movie drew raves in Kobane, but irked all American Evangelists and Pentecostals who viewed the movie as propaganda for the Koran. It shouldn’t be surprising to learn that the actor who played the role of Saladin was an Arab Syrian named Ghassaan Mas’ood. Arabs still believe to this day that Saladin was an Arab although you would think that Saladin’s grandfather’s name, Shirkawaih, would be a dead give-away that the Ayyubid king was anything but Arab.

The plan is clear. I have written about it before. The army being trained by the Yanks at Al-Tanf on the Jordanteezian border will meet up with the Kurdish heroes after the latter gloriously liberate Al-Raqqa. Together, these juggernauts will interdict the Baghdad to Damascus Highway and squelch Iranian hopes of reaching the Syrian littoral and/or the boundaries of historic Palestine. Like the Iranians couldn’t figure that one out.

Well, folks, the big bad army at Al-Tanf is now wedged in between a rock and a hard place. Iranian-trained Iraqi and Afghan fighters, Hizbollah officers, Syrian Army troops and Popular Defense Committee fighters, all bristling with arms, have now poisoned the well and appear to have junked the entire plan. With Jaysh Al-Islam now falling apart thanks to Saudi Arabian connivance and unbridled stinginess, it appears that the dream of a Southern Front has given way to a much-needed truce back by the local populations, It’s all going so dreadfully for the American, Zionist and British planners. So dreadful that they are packing their bags loaded with Syrian-made rosaries and boxes of baqlaawa.

But, what about the Turks? We are assuming that the clown in the White House has promised the Kurds the world. What could those promises entail? Will the U.S. challenge Turkish revanchism in northern Syria? If the U.S. does that, the entire NATO alliance goes up in smoke. It’s kind of like wishful thinking. Trump paraded his anti-NATO message throughout his campaign and this might be his chance to really put the kibosh on the entire alliance.

Will the Turks balk if the U.S. keeps its word to the Kurds? I don’t know. Such a scenario seems to be the kind that would cause a fissure in the party ruled by Sultan Erdoghan or, at least, bring about huge demonstrations with Turks and Kurds all demanding the ouster of the Big Cheese in Ankara. If the Kurds are allowed to announce the creation of their new state, what will Syria and Iran do? Will they balk at confronting the U.S.? Will we see the start of a new insurgency aimed at toppling the PKK or PYG or will we see Iraqi forces moving in on Barazaani?

To be brutally frank, I don’t think the U.S. has thought this one through. It appears that the CIA is taking its cues from Tel Aviv while everybody else is using a Ouija Board. Inasmuch as the Syrian-Iranian-Russian plans appear to be 10 removes ahead, the American one is best described as retrograde – every step forward characterized by 10 steps backward – and there is no end in sight for the anarchy in American foreign policy. I only hope that the Kurds wake up before it’s just too late. Ziad
Sounds like an 11th grade HS newspaper editor writing an article about his ex's new boyfriend.

I feel sorry for anyone who takes his supposed insight and analysis seriously. Guy clearly has an ax to grind. Might as well ask a Palestinian to write an analysis of newly planned Israeli settlements. :rolleyes1:
Sounds like an 11th grade HS newspaper editor writing an article about his ex's new boyfriend.

I feel sorry for anyone who takes his supposed insight and analysis seriously. Guy clearly has an ax to grind. Might as well ask a Palestinian to write an analysis of newly planned Israeli settlements. :rolleyes1:
Brad, the guy has simply laid out multiple scenarios and then given his opinions. He doesn't claim to know
100% if and what course of actions will be taken and neither does anyone else at this point. What he is correct about is that the Kurds are in a predicament, Turkey will have to make hard choices and so will the US.

If you think this piece is far out, read the Voltaire article (posted on another thread but here's the direct link). It all sounds too crazy to believe but the document trail exists.
