Underappreciated Longhorns


500+ Posts
After watching this video I remember just how good Aaron Harris was (he’s all over the highlights). It’s debatable how undervalued he was (couple All Big 12 teams when the conference was stacked) but IMO for what he did he wasn’t given the attention he deserved by the fans/local media. Not to mention the NFL as he wasn’t even drafted. There’s a Wikipedia page for All-American Longhorns where he’s listed but I couldn’t find him listed as one elsewhere.

He hit like a freight train and made countless big plays. Feel free to add yours.

B.J Johnson. Had the 2 drops against Oregon and some others here & there but fell victim to the "lynch-mob mentality" employed by so many to delude themselves into believing they're brillant and important.
There was this DE who wore #1 back in the early 90’s, Rod last name goes here that was really good and I don’t think got the recognition he deserved.
Big, fast but not on a mediocre team
Ironically I cannot recall nor can I find his name on the web.
B.J Johnson. Had the 2 drops against Oregon and some others here & there but fell victim to the "lynch-mob mentality"

I don't think it had anything to do with the Oregon game; Sloan and Roy had big drops in that one too and they were all freshmen. I think BJ did get the most criticism out of any of 3, because he wasn't quite as good as Roy but dropped passes at a higher rate than Sloan.

I think he might have been overrated at the time, but you could make the argument that since then he has been called overrated so much that he's now become underrated if anything.