Uh...Mr POSTUS about that bain deal


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Obama and top campaign bundler Jonathan Lavine from Bain Capital.

The Obama campaign blamed Governor Mitt Romney for the demise of GST Steel company in a video they released in May. The plant closed in 2001. Mitt left Bain in 1999.

For some reason the Obama camp forgot to mention this…
Obama’s top bundler Jonathan Lavine was in charge of Bain during the BST layoffs.
Chuck Slowe reported:

Blaming Governor Romney for any issues surrounding the failure of GST is wrong and it is a blatant lie. Mitt Romney had been long gone when the company started to fail and subsequently closed it doors. When are the President and his campaign hacks going to get the story correct? When are they going to get back to their economy and its dreadful condition? Mr. President, you can run but you cannot hide.

It turns out that Jonathan Lavine, current Obama bundler, was actually in charge, at Bain, during that period, when the layoffs occurred. Oops, that isn’t right, is it? Yes, that story is the one that needs to be reported on. Sorry Mr. President, your lies are just getting to be more than many of us are able to handle.

And, Jonathan Lavine is not your average Obama Bain donor. Lavine is one of Barack Obama’s top bundlers.
ABC reported:

While Democrats assail presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital business practices, Republicans note that President Obama has not been bashful about accepting cash from Bain executives or other high-profile figures in the corporate buyout business…

…One of Obama’s top campaign financiers – Jonathan Lavine – is also managing director at Bain, bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, according to estimates released by the Obama campaign. The president has also relied on other leading figures in the private equity sector as hosts for high-dollar fundraisers and as members of his Jobs Council.

Maybe someday the liberal media will report on this.
Who is Mr. POSTUS?

Mr. Postman?

Mr. Potatoe Head (I assume you're a Republican, hence the spelling).

But get back to me when Mitt gets some support from other top GOPrs. Or when he releases more tax returns.

Just to let you know: you won't be getting back to me if those are the two criteria.
nice dodge. why should i care about Mitt's return? If he was fraudulent in them the IRS would be on him. They are not . Why do i care more about what mitt does with his own money than what obama does with mine? why do you fail address the utter hypocrisy of obama? how about since we are all about transparency, and since OBama said he wasn't involved in Fast and Furious he go ahead and stop hiding behind exec privilege regarding tax dollars used to purchase guns that resulted in over 200 murders including one of our own agents? how about that? why is any of that less important than how much money mitt has, and what he does with it? Just another lie by obama. blame someone for doing something only to have it point right back at him. rich.
Look, the POTUS said on Friday that if you have a business, you didn't build that. So, why is the performance of a Bain company an issue in any way, shape, or form? If a small business owner cannot build a company, he certainly cannot cause it to fail either. The biggest tragedy here is some union guys lost their jobs. We certainly can't have that. They should have gotten some government stimulus. Drum roll please..............It's Bush's Fault!!
Very balanced article. I love how they select on union guy who claims Bain broke its promise and did other things, with no attempt to verify it or offer a chance to explain or rebut.

I also like his comment about how Bain paid itself and its shareholders first. I forgot that apparently the only good venture capital is the one where people agree to work for free. I wonder how many groups would be willing to go in and try to save a dying business if they knew that the only way they would get paid was if the business succeeded? I'm going go guess the answer rhymes with "hero."
Mitt should release everything the very minute BO releases his college information. One would be more damaging than the other, apparently......
In debates Romney should bend over Baraq about how tough this administration is going after Corzine's ability to make money disappear.

Not going after Dem backing firms that make money go POOF. But go after Romney on a skinny limb..... Pretty much sums up the Obama admin....Cover up your lack of success by taking a big election and focus the campaign on small things.
AustinBat: are you equally concerned about Romney's unreleased college transcripts? And law school - Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, Romney was only Cum Laude. I demand, DEMAND I say to see those transcripts. Foolishness aside, College transcripts are not released by presidential candidates for a reason. They are decades in the past, and really don't give us much useful information, only "gotcha" issues of who flunked gym, and who took history of rock and roll blowoff courses. I don't think any candidate has released his transcripts, though a few were leaked (Bush, Kerry, Gore) and a few were public record (academy graduates Eisenhower, McCain, Carter). Whether tax records are relevant, is a matter for the voters, and most people think that they are. I know we can argue about what has traditionally been done, but I really don't give a sh*t what has been traditionally done. Tax return release has been a big deal in many elections because people care. Release of college transcripts never has,because people don't care - except of course the Birthers Without a Cause.
Stampede, it was so long ago I can hardly remember. I went to Catholic Schools and the Nuns and Priests were good teachers for the most part although they were known to have tempers. My first job was mowing the grounds at Strake Jesuit to pay for my tuition. Is any of this relevant to Bain Capital?
If Mittens wasn't such a sorry candidate, he would be all over this and other crap, O has flung at him. Instead, he goes into the John McCain campaign fetal position.

4 more years!! GD America.
Whitman, I don't give a damn about his transcripts. I think his applications would be interesting. I do not think he was born in Kenya, but I think it is very possible that he applied as a foreigner because that would help with admission. He does and says whatever is expedient at the moment. It's also interesting that although he was apparently brilliant, he had no articles published in the Law Review he was head of, nor anywhere else.

But at least he is starting to speak without a teleprompter at times, so maybe he is getting better.
I get a kick out of the banter on the boards. What I like is how one side makes a comment and the other rebuts, all with the notion that it actually might change their minds.

Does anyone think that the minds of Shiner, Michtex, Perham1, majorwhiteapples, etc., will be changed over to the others way of thinking? It is clear that no matter who is in the Democratic party or what they say or do will change Michtex and Perham1 mind on how they are going to vote. The same could be said for Shiner and majorwhiteapples. Yet a lot of you seem to think that today will be the magical day that the transformation will occur. Don't you get tired of it?

I can only think of a few on here that seem pretty open minded about listening carefully to the other point of view or at least portray that they will listen. I admit that I hold beliefs on certain ideas but I really don't try to convince anyone to convert to my way of thinking. I am trying to figure out what is the point of putting these types of articles on here when usually the OP will not budge on their view and the other side will be the same way. The ones who don't agree with the article or view point pick one or two words within the text to focus on and try to prove that it is irrelevant or incorrect; when they should be concentrating on the whole context of the article/view point.

If we could all say together, "politicians don't care about the good of America, all they care about is getting re-elected". I think we could get away from the party system and really start to elect good individuals that want to make America prosperous and not every single individual within America prosperous.
I've had my views influenced by this board....maybe I'm the exception. The biggest game changer for me was a bunch of years ago when we had about a 12 page debate about pulling the plug on Terri Schiavo.

Essentially, we're all playing an on-line game of gotcha. We all pretty much behave like we truly dislike one another. I bet if we organized a happy hour in Austin and all hung out for a coupe of hours, our views wouldn't change but our attitudes would.

ps: And yes, I'm one of the bigger "button pushers" on here.
Living through the left-right combination of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan pretty much made me a right winger for life. Guilty as charged. I think our country has been heading down a very dangerous road of dependency. Today we have over 50% of the population getting checks from a government that is headed toward bankruptcy. Honestly I cannot see how a thinking person would not want to fix that.

Having said all that, I enjoy the other points of view. If I didn't I would have been an aggy. They even offered me a free ride. I paid for the majority of my education to be a Longhorn instead.

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