Fair enough.
I will agree to disagree on McCain, if anything Leadership was his strong suit, but I will agree to disagree.
The mark of a true leader is when your back is to the wall and everybody is against your idea. The abililty to turn negatives into positives. The ability to get people that are against you to follow you or at least not be against you.
The greatest leaders that I have worked with and been around are not speech givers, when the chips are down they don't give speeches, they roll up their sleeves and get it done. They do not blame anybody, they say it happened, and this is what we are going to do to move forward.
I have seen leaders in many different areas of my life and many different kinds of leaders, taking his beliefs out of the equation and just looking at his actions as President, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the strongest leader, I give President Obama a 3.5. You get 2.0 just for being President.
On just another note, I don't believe that you go through 40 some odd years of your life and not exhibit some of those skills if you have them. I believe they are for the most part natural, however you can enhance leadership with experience.
POTUS is not a place for on the job training.