TX. high school fooball


25+ Posts
Would you consider Texas high school football the best in the country, I do. I need stats, numbers,history. Ever since SLC lost to Miami NW, there have been alot of talk from Floridians (or what ever the **** they call them selves in Americas Dork state) about all the tallent and seemingly super human speed them bunny ******* rave about and seem to have in S. Florida, Miami/Browerd/Dade counties. I mean they beat one high school team from Texas and they consider them selves the Meca of all High school speedsters, ballers tallent that gets shitted out of that area. I guess i am just venting.

They complain that Texas high schools don't want to travel to florida because they are afraid. So when is a Texas high school power house going over to florida and open up a can of whoop *** on their power house school for a couple of years so they can shut the **** up? I am sick and tired of them saying, "S florida high schools this, S florida high schools that" ****! stop it already.
Its at all levels too.
Your telling me that Dallas Carrol teams doesn't roll whoever they want them to play.
I think it would be great to send the Celinas, Wimberley, Liberty Hills of the world over there, and watch them drag there small schools through the swamps.
Ain't no place like Texas on Friday night. Best measure is stadium size and number of fans in the seats. Compared like this, Fla. is minor league.
There are a lot of good teams in Texas, but the high school teams and talent aren't any better than the top teams from California, Florida, Louisiana, Ohio.

Midland Lee and Southlake Carrol were both in the middle of dominant runs and both got beat down when they played dominant out of state teams.
Are we gonna stand and let Florida HS teams push us around. Texas HS have a reputation to keep. I say the State of Texas UIL needs to get an all star team formed up, like the best of the best of the best and just mop the floor with Florida.
a couple of things. i grew up in oklahoma where high school football, depending on the town, is huge. however, the population base and the demographic makeup make it overall less talented than texas.

in texas, high school football is huge. many of the smaller schools have the powerhouse programs (see celina etc.). in oklahoma this is the same.

florida and lousiana have every bit as much talent as texas high schools and it has showed in these meetings. but still, if you go to a football game on friday night in florida, for the most part, i seriously doubt the local fan support is anything close to texas football. that is what makes texas football special, it is the fan support. the players are not any more talented here than anywhere else.... i'm sorry to tell you. there are just more of them.

i've played football in both 6A (oklahoma's largest class), Class A (8 man) in ok, and played 3A in texas. It is very similar in terms of type of money spent on football programs. there was a difference in talent, although not as much as you would think.

also the range in the sizes of schools in a given class is ridiculous in texas (ie Gainesville and Pottsboro in the same class when I was there).

I would put your average jenks/tulsa union up against any of the powerhouse texas schools and wouldn't expect a blowout. you guys are overplaying it, just like when everyone thought SLC was going to wipe the floor with miami norhtwestern, or when evangel was going to kill the team from cali.
it's not, but you have probably 40x the athletes. so you have more prospects. i doubt the per capita is as drastic as you want to believe it is.

team for team, i'm telling you, i played in both, there is not that much difference. the top 5A teams in texas are not that much better than the top 6A teams in Oklahoma. Now, given there may only be three or four in oklahoma that could hang with the top 25 in texas, but again, that is about population.
It would be better understood if you explained whereand when you played to make a better judgment.

I can rememebr back in the day the talent that the lawton schools had but Ronnie Williams was just to much for them. I think altus also has some good talent
There are a lot of teams, on a given year, that could compete in texas 5A..... but there are only a couple that could do it every year. They are: Jenks, Tulsa Union

Most of the OKC schools that would previously had made this list now have been split into several smaller schools (moore, edmond, norman, etc.).

Some others that could compete on given years are Muskogee, Shawnee, Lawton Mac.

Let me ask you this? If you have a school of 2500 kids, what makes you think that kids that live in Texas would be more talented than the same size school in OK? The demographics of the two states are very similar. I believe what you will say is the level of instruction and infrastructure/support is greater in Texas and makes football more competitive. I am telling you you're wrong. Sure there are some towns in OK, where football isn't everything (baseball might be for instance), but the programs are big, with big funding, and all of the things that you have in Texas.

As I have stated in my previous post, the difference in Texas HS FB, to me, is local support. But don't be fooled, my 8 man football team at Oklahoma Christian filled that stadium to capacity every friday night.... and that is 8 man.
How did we start talking about Louisiana? I grew up in East Texas, watching and playing against Louisiana teams for many years. It is not even close to the same game. That is not to say that there is not the great team here or there, but the quality of the average team in LA vs. TX is dramatically different. Shouldn't be mentioned with TX, FL, CA.
In 2007 recruitingTexas had 376 HS kids sign scholarships
163 in-state
213 out-of-state

California had 347
HS players sign scholarships
109 in-state
238 out-of-state

Florida had 358
HS players get scholarships
123 in-state
235 out-of-state
Schools have been playing each other for years. Plenty of Texas schools that didn't win state or get close to winning state have kicked penty of *** out of state. Funny that Carroll and Midland Lee are mentioned, but no mention of Texas *** whoopins.

Anyways, not an advocate of one state has better football than another. Especially at the top. I think depth is another story.
AS a Texas HS football coach who grew up in NJ before attending UT, I think I have some personal experience in this area. There is no doubt that HS footballl at the large-school level is pretty comparable wherever you go. My HS had 1600 students and could definitely compete with any Texas school our size, and then some. Of course my HS (Phillipsburg, NJ) has also won the most football games of any NJ school, including 7 state championships, produced several HS All-Americans and some TE when I was there named Brewster. The schools we played in Eastern Pa., could compete quite successfully with any Texas school their size.

Sorry but as far as fan intensity, the Phillipsburg-Easton Pa. rivalry is more intense than any I have seen in Texas, bar none. When ESPN first showed a HS game live on Thanksgiving in the 80's, they went for the biggest rivalry they could find which was Easton-Phillipsburg. Both Phillipsburg and Easton would rather beat each other than win a state championship. They will play each other on Thanksgiving and then turn around and play in the State quarters or semis that Saturday with 1 days rest and no preparation, and it often shows, but neither team will give up their game on Thanksgiving, no matter how many state championships it costs them. I have seen nothing like this in Texas in 20 years of coaching HS football.

Where Texas does stand out IMO is in the small schools. I cannot imagine too many other states producing the quality of small school programs that Texas does. To me, the real Friday Night Lights in Texas happens in the small towns on Friday night, where a town will shut down and become a literal ghost town for a big game, That I did not see in NJ or PA. The big schools were Texas' equals, but the small schools were not even close. Heck, most schools under 500 up north could not even field a team, much less worry about quality. Texas HS football is special but it is in the small towns where Friday Night Lights, to me, is really happening. Just my Opinion

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