Two OU Athletes Injured in Brawl at Nightclub

First off, this totally sucks and I hope they are okay. Second, what the hell kind of club was this and was PacMan Jones there? If this club has a rep for being a place where things like this occur or caters to a crowd known for this behavior, these athletes made a poor decision to be there in the first place. JMO.

I did not see where they started or were responsible for the brawl taking place so no judgement passed on that. I hope they are going to be just fine. Then get an *** chewing for making dumb decisions.
finkle is einhorn? einhorn is finkle?
finkle is einhorn. einhorn is finkle.
finkle is einhorn!. einhorn is finkle!
"Man that is really on there"

The "club", if you can call it that, has a reputation for being a bad place. I'm glad they are going to be okay, but they were not too bright for being there. A friend of mine works at that ER and he said they were pretty nasty cuts.
Man, those land thieves are something else. They read about Lamarr and decided they had to top us again.
Kevin please stay away from that club.
That place was never a 'nice' place and used to feature the after-hours wet T contests and such back in the day. Although take my opinion at face value, because the last time I was in that place - Reagan was in office, Johnny Carson was still doing the Tonight Show and I was skinny, all of which are in the dimly lit corridors of my distant memory.

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