tubin the Guadalupe in April?

Me So Horny

100+ Posts
Hey, just wondering whether it's too early to go tubing on the Guadalupe this time of year( water too cold, crowds or lack thereof)

We're thinking of going in a couple of weeks but don't know whether it's worth it or even if the tube rental places are open yet.

Any info is appreciated...
Most outfitters are now open, but may not rent on any given weekend if the weather is bad (bad being near freezing). The best approach is to call a couple of outfitters for rates, determine who you like, and go with them. I've rented from several of them, and honestly it doesn't matter a whole bunch. They all rent you something to float on, and I've never had one not pick me up at the take out. If you want to play it safe, go with one that drops you off at the put in so you can take out at their facility. You don't have to wait around for the pick up that way.

because of all the rain, the Army Corp of Engineers are releasing water from Canyon Lake which has brought the Guad flows to about 1500 cf/s, which is unsafe by a large margin, 200 cf/s is ideal for fishing and tubing. right now the lake is above 914' and will take at least 3 weeks to drop to normal level of 910', with more rain the high flows could continue through May.

The Comal is prob your best bet
Just kayaked the upper Guad yesterday... fine for that, but definitely too cold for tubing... give it another couple weeks.(and FYI the water above the dam is warmer than below which includes Gruene and NB, the most popular tubing spots)

The Comal and San Marcos are the same year round because they are spring fed, but the Guadalupe fluctuates w/the seasons. The San Marcos is great in the dead of summer.