Tech versus Okie Light is a building rivalry for a number of reasons. First, Tech recruits against okie light quite a bit and let's just say that they are not always competing with the same values. I have heard some second hand stories from Tech coaches about some of the recruiting tactics that Okie Light uses and there is no love loss between the two staffs. It was bad under Miles but it is now way worse under Gundy. Sleazy negative recruiting, payoffs, etc. because they are under incredible pressure to win quickly.
Add to the fact that Okie Light has unlimited funding thanks to T Boone who lived in the Panhandle while Tech has to fight for every penny and that does not help either. Okie Light or Xerox U as a lot of Tech fans like to call it also has a bad habit of ripping off their traditions like the Guns Up, the horse rider and a lot of other things.
Anyway, there is not as much hatred as with the sheep rapers but I think over time, it could develop into a good series. It also helps with recruiting and Tech always wants a game in Dallas since the majority of their alums live there.
I also know that the game was not that succesful in the mid 1990s but I think Tech's program and attendance has increased a lot since that time and I think Okie Light due to their unlimited funding will also support this game. I think it will work out to Tech's advantage in the long run so I am all for moving the game to Dallas.
Regarding aggy, so many Tech enjoy their absolute fear of traveling to Lubbock and their biannual beatdown, that they would never let them weasel out of the game at the Jones. Aggy has pretty much given up hope of winning in Lubbock, they just don't want to be embarassed and have a chance to make up stories about battery throwing and Tech's lack of class.