TT and OSU head to big D


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Texas Tech and Oklahoma State are finalizing plans to move their annual Big 12 game to Dallas.

The first game probably will be in 2009, but the site remains undetermined. The schools are looking at the Cotton Bowl or the Dallas Cowboys' new stadium in Arlington.

So is everybody heading to Dallas now?

I recall them playing a game in Texas Stadium in the first year or so of the Big 12 when Byron Hanspard played for Tech. They thought it was going to be an annual neutral site matchup to compete with Texas/OU. Nobody cared about it then, and nobody will now.
I sure hope they do this in the Cotton Bowl. It can only help the city justify putting money into the facility, which will make sure we never move to the parking lot and Jerry World.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. It's nice to see our little brothers still look up to us.
Well heck, why don't we just agree to play ALL Big 12 football games in Big D? That way, everybody can just tear down their stadiums, saving on upkeep, and making travel plans for the year will be easier too...
Do TT and OSU fans care enough about that game to make a trip to anywhere but their own stadium? Is this a major rivalry that some how slipped under my radar?

I'd much rather see A&M vs. Baylor or A&M vs. Tech at a neutral site, because those schools seem to absolutely want to destroy each other every time they meet.
Tech versus Okie Light is a building rivalry for a number of reasons. First, Tech recruits against okie light quite a bit and let's just say that they are not always competing with the same values. I have heard some second hand stories from Tech coaches about some of the recruiting tactics that Okie Light uses and there is no love loss between the two staffs. It was bad under Miles but it is now way worse under Gundy. Sleazy negative recruiting, payoffs, etc. because they are under incredible pressure to win quickly.

Add to the fact that Okie Light has unlimited funding thanks to T Boone who lived in the Panhandle while Tech has to fight for every penny and that does not help either. Okie Light or Xerox U as a lot of Tech fans like to call it also has a bad habit of ripping off their traditions like the Guns Up, the horse rider and a lot of other things.

Anyway, there is not as much hatred as with the sheep rapers but I think over time, it could develop into a good series. It also helps with recruiting and Tech always wants a game in Dallas since the majority of their alums live there.

I also know that the game was not that succesful in the mid 1990s but I think Tech's program and attendance has increased a lot since that time and I think Okie Light due to their unlimited funding will also support this game. I think it will work out to Tech's advantage in the long run so I am all for moving the game to Dallas.

Regarding aggy, so many Tech enjoy their absolute fear of traveling to Lubbock and their biannual beatdown, that they would never let them weasel out of the game at the Jones. Aggy has pretty much given up hope of winning in Lubbock, they just don't want to be embarassed and have a chance to make up stories about battery throwing and Tech's lack of class.
I don't think this is so much other schools deciding all of a sudden to copy us. I think it's about the city of Dallas finally trying to actively market and bring in some games that justify the Cotton Bowl's existence (assuming these games are going to be at the Cotton Bowl.) And I know the Jerryworld folks have to be looking for additional games as well.

With the expense of these facilities, I think the cities are finally realizing they can't just have a stadium that's only going to have a couple of games per year plus a handful of special events.
The stadium is gonna look like the SEC tourney after the tornado.

I love the fact that they all want to try and create a TX/OU type game. Just goes to show you how great a rivalry we have.
Nice one, Blonthang.

Interesting thing about these games is that there will likely be more at stake when Tech and OSU play than A&M and Arkansas. At least it will be a conference game and one or both schools might still be in contention for the South.

Aggies and Hogs will be playing to stay in the top 25 (if both of them happen to be there). That's not exactly exciting.

Of course, Aggies are convinced the nation will watch and recruits will come because of the stadium. When's the last time anyone cruised the listings for a game played at a specific stadium?
Didn't see anything about the date being tied to the State Fair dates. I can see having a game on every weekend during the Fair would help with revenues for the redoes at The CB.
TULPoke brings up similar points that my okie state friend mentioned to me in an email. He's got mixed emotions about this pending deal, especially the "me, too" factor of playing the game in Dallas. But his opinion is that Holder walks on water so any decision that he makes is in the best interest of OSU (minus the re-seating of season ticket holders @ BPS that Holder is pushing). My buddy seems to think the game will be played at Jerry World which he sees as a recruiting tool since--in his words--recruits would get to play in "the 2 best stadiums in the country: BPS in Stillwater & Cowboy Stadium" (I wasn't about to burst his bubble).