Trying to help kid get a car...need advice


25+ Posts
Trying to help my daughter who is a single mom get a car.
Background: (Sorry if kinda long) Recently reunited with my daughter after almost 4 years of no contact. In the process of reapiring our relationship, I find out that she moved back from Cali and is now living in Denton, is a single mom (adorable 2 year old girl), no support from the father (dirtbag refuses to get a job and support his daughter). She is on disability right now because of some ongoing physical and mental health issues.

In our conversation early this week she mentioned she was trying to find a cheap used car so she could go back to school.

I live in Houston. I'm a disabled vet on a fixed income. I've tried several avenues to help her get a basic clean used car. Because I bought a house last year, and due now to my fixed income, I've been turned down every time.

Does anyone know of of a charity or organization in the Denton area I can refer her to that might assist her?

She's a good kid who has already learned some big lessons from the school of hard knocks and is trying to better herself.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

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