True Christian Blasts Romney, Mormonism


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The liberal media that hounded Obama about his supporter pastor, Wright, should hound Rick Perry until he throws Jeffress under the bus:

Dallas First Baptist's Jeffress endorses Perry, says Romney's not a Christian
Wayne Slater/Reporter

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10:54 AM on Fri., Oct. 7, 2011 | Permalink

As part of Rick Perry's renewed appeal to Christian conservatives in the GOP , Dallas First Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress will showcase his support of the Texas governor at today's Values Voters Summit in Washignon. The two-day meeting is a key gathering of social conservatives who represent a big bloc of voters in the early Republican primaries. Jeffress will endorse and introduce Perry this afternoon. In a statement circulated in the hall prior to Perry's appeareance, Jeffress praises Perry and knocks Mitt Romney.

Says Jeffress: "Replacing Barack Obama is more than a political issue, it is a spiritual issue." He says Perry, who's campaign has struggled in recent weeks, is the candidate best equipped to beat the president.

"Some would argue that there are a number of other candidates who possess those attributes as well. However, once the smoke clears in several months, conservative Christians will have a choice to make. Do we want a candidate who is skilled in rhetoric, or one who is skilled in leadership? Do we want someone who is a conservative out of convenience, or one who is a conservative out of conviction? Do we want a candidate who is a good moral person, or one who is born-again follower of Jesus Christ? I believe that in Rick Perry we have a candidate who is a proven leader, a true conservative and a committed follower of Christ."

UPDATE In an interview following his speech to the Values Voters conference, Jeffress elaborated on his support of Perry -- saying that evangelicals should favor a Christian candidate over a non-Christian. Jeffress said that while Romney is "a good, moral family person," he's not a Christian. He said he considers Mormonism a cult. "Between Perry and Romney, we ought to prefer a born-again Christian." Jeffress said he doesn't think evangelicals will vote for Romney if he were the nominee. "I think there are a lot of Christian voters who don't want to appear bigoted, and so what they say to the pollsters is not necessarily what they'll do in the privacy of the polling booth. And I frankly believe if Gov. Romney is the nominee, I believe Barack Obama will be the next president.
Prolly not the last we hear of this kind of thing.

I would enjoy hearing Romney talking about red efts, giant toads, and what the gold tablets said about mud people.
Obama should have been hammered for exposing his kids to the pastor's insanity; instead he got a walk.

Perry is supported by a guy who thinks mormonism is a cult and not really christian. So what? That is a tenable argument.

I think christianity, my religion of birth and choice, is a jewish heresy. So what?

A christian calling mormonism a cult is akin to a parrot calling a parakeet a bird.

Who can get us out of the ditch we are in? None of these pathetic excuses for humanity.

The last time american politics was this devoid of merit was right after the civil war. These jokers are the Rutherford Hayes's and Chester Arthurs of our time.
Mormonism has some unusual beliefs but the few that I know have been very upstanding people.

Jeremiah Wright, notsomuch.
I expose my kids to the insanity of Dr. Wright every time he preaches at my Church.They're okay.

Is there a suggestion here that the mainstream media didn't hound BHO about his membership at Trinity? How then were you able to learn so much about this wonderful faith community? The internets?
The mainstream media are simply cheerleaders for Barack Obama. They generally question nothing he says or does. Give me a freaking break Satchel. Or better yet, try giving one example of Obama being houded by anyone (outside of Fox News) on anything leading up to his coronation.
it is interesting that the OP is either completely ignorant of "mainstream Christianity" or is completely ignoring it and depending upon the reader's ignorance.

in an nutshell, mainstream Christianity has long doubted whether Mormonism is a christian faith. and even "liberal christian sects such as Methodists consider Mormonism to not be christian.

"The 2000 General Conference of the United Methodist Church determined that the LDS Church: "does not fit within the bounds of the historic, apostolic tradition of Christian faith,''


But perhaps an OP is not interested in a religious discussion, but rather an inflammatory diversion.
Oh boy, we're embracing the practice of holding candidates accountable for everything the preachers/rabbis/mullahs from their places of worship say!

The level of discourse rises!

The republic is safe at last!
If you have any hope of winning in '12 you'd better get your fellow evangelicals on board:

Any evangelical Christian who is serious about his faith should not vote for Mitt Romney or any other Mormon, writes journalist Warren Cole Smith at Mormonism believes and teaches an American history “that is in many particulars completely unsubstantiated and in others demonstrably false,” Smith writes for a Patheos-sponsored online symposium. Electing one of its adherents to the highest office in the land would give the Utah-based faith a bully pulpit to “normalize [its] false teachings the world over.” Sure, the LDS Church’s stances on social issues such as abortion, gay marriage and homosexuality may coincide with those of orthodox Christianity, but that isn’t enough to get Smith's vote. The big issue is not political but theological, Smith writes. “A false religion should not prosper with the support of Christians. The salvation of souls is at stake.” It's a nicer way of saying what Pastor Bill Keller said during the past presidential cycle, namely, that a vote for Romney was a vote for Satan.
His ilk said the same about JFK.

I don't think I'll give too much credence to someone from the same denomination as the loons from Westboro.
Is there a suggestion here that the mainstream media didn't hound BHO about his membership at Trinity? How then were you able to learn so much about this wonderful faith community? The internets?

only the media outlets you want to destroy, talk radio and fox news. obama was able to give his canned response that he hardly knew rev wright and never attended his services and that would end any further quesations on all other media outlets.
If it were only Satchel it wouldn't be worth responding, but I am surprised no one has commented on the glaring and obvious differences between the Wright and Jefress situations.

To my knowledge, Perry did not sit in attendence of Jefress's sermons for 20 years. I am not sure he ever did once. He also did not tell the world he couldn't remember anything his pastor told him over a 20 year period even though he called the man his mentor and spiritual leader. One can not leap far enough to equate the relationship between Wright and BO and Perry and Jefress.

According to Perry's office, the council picked Jefress to introduce Perry. Not sure I believe this, but.

Perry certainly said he doesnt believe that Mormonism is a cult immediately after the speech.

But still, to try and connect the values of a person that Perry had no relationship with except to introduce him at a rally is just garbage.

Again, I currently support Romney and wont vote for Perry even if he wins the nomination.
AS bronco pointed out perry didn't sit in this guy's cheirch for 20 years.

Does anyone have proof Perry EVER heard this guy preach a sermon??

Hey all you obamites What did you all say then the new Black Panters endorsed Obama?
For this to have any relevancy the OP should post a pic of Perry with Jeffress.

Otherwise this is just dribble
Perry and Jeffress were in strong embrace at the Values Voters Summit (whatever the hell that is)
If you are running for office, I don't see why you are required to pass judgment on political opponent's faith unless that faith will directly cause harm to U.S. citizens and their freedoms.

Furthermore, I don't think a Mormon or Muslim in office put's a big kink in God's plans. It's not like he is thinking "Oh crap, Romney won, Now what am I going to do??"

Perry's pastor needs to keep his face off TV if he comes across like a religious bigot. He could have handled the whole question much better but came off like a tool.

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