Tre Newton


250+ Posts
Kid can go. I think this kid is very talented. He's got power and a nice stiff arm. I'm excited about him coming to Texas. I think he might be that Between the tackles guy that we have wanted since Cedric Left.
I guess that is why they show up, work out, learn, practice and try to earn a spot. I guess we will see. I don't know enough about the future to make a prediction like that one way or another.
Has anybody actually seen a video of Scott and his impressive running skills? I haven't. Unless he's the next AD, I'd not concede anything to him at this point. The run of Newton's in last year's championship game reminded me a lot of Tony Dorsett, (minus a little speed). He bounced off about 5 guys and took it 80 yards. The kid is a player.
I was surprised that we gave him an offer and really can't see him ever getting on the field for Texas. I hope he proves me wrong and becomes a great player, but I just don't see that wow factor in any aspect of his game.
i know zero about this kid and don't mean for this post to imply him specifically, but with the ncaa looking at graduation rates and whatnot, i figure coaches have to give out a couple of schollys per year to kids who they expect to try hard for 4 years, play special teams, and earn a degree in the required timeframe. and if those kids turn into special players, all the better. just a theory, not sure if it is true or applies here.
Our special teams had more issues than just a lack of Duane Akina last year. We need more athleticism and playmakers in that area in my opinion. Tre could help immediately there if given a chance.
^ Don't hate on brett robin! No one could run the garbage run plays better than him. Also his screen ability and 3 and a mile draw play ability was greatly underappreciated.

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