Trade Profar for Cliff Lee ?


5,000+ Posts
Lee is pitching great this season and would give the Rangers cobbled together rotation as reliable big game pitcher and innings eater.

He's already won 7 games this season and is statistically anchored among the top dozen pitchers in baseball.

Personally, I say no. The Oakland A's pitching staff won 94 games last season and cumulatively were paid less than Lee was to paid to win 6. Profar may be a pretty good major leaguer, or he may be a star for 12 years. He'll be cheap for a while and by the time he's a free agent, Lee will be ready for the glue factory. It's not a no brainer. Top prospects aren't always top players. (Anybody else remember when Rangers' hot prospect Billy Samples was expected to be the next Rod Carew?)
Trade Profar for a #1 pitcher that has several years left in the tank and on his contract or keep him. Lee has couple of balloon years left on his contract and he isn't that young. They will be willing to take less than a Profar like talent for Lee or they will be paying his salary.

The rangers have other players like Mike Olt (who hasn't impressed me near what Profar has) that they could put together for an offer on Lee.
I remember Billy Samples... the '74 team with GM Billy Martin was one of my favorite Rangers teams / seasons...

RE: Mr. Lee


Agree: HELL NO!!


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