....and all the old folks there who are in favor of gutting social welfare programs but not medicare or social security know a lot more about economics than he does.
As I said, I am not a huge fan, but compared to most of what is being bandied about these days, his positions are defensible.
Or do you prefer more tax cuts because deficits don't matter?
Or unfunded prescription drug benefits in order to undercut your political opponents' plans in the next elections?
The amount of horrid, squalid economic info and tactics of the last 30 years makes derision an appropriate approach to everybody but Clinton and Lloyd Bentsen; the right wing echo chambers have chosen Krugman because of his platform and the fact that he is about the only unrepentant liberal still shouting from the barricades.
When some right winger comes up with a viable way out of this mess, I will join them in laughing at him