I have a 19 month old daughter and lately she has gone into tantrums when she does not get her way. She will screem at the top of her lungs and fall down crying. Sometimes it happens when we put her in her car seat. She arches her back, screems, and fights getting inot the seat. Most times it has nothing to do with the car seat though. It is horrible for a parent to watch her do this.
Sometimes I think it is to get attention because my wife and her Mom tend to pick my daughter up when she does this. Sometimes this makes things better, sometimes not. I was thinking of just ignoring her when she does this. Does anyone have experience with this kind of behavior? I keep thinking that it is a phase that she is going through. She is not 2 years old yet, but could this be the start of the terrible 2's?
Sometimes I think it is to get attention because my wife and her Mom tend to pick my daughter up when she does this. Sometimes this makes things better, sometimes not. I was thinking of just ignoring her when she does this. Does anyone have experience with this kind of behavior? I keep thinking that it is a phase that she is going through. She is not 2 years old yet, but could this be the start of the terrible 2's?