Timing of Trayvon Story


100+ Posts
I know, just what the board needs, is another message regarding this news....but...

The timing of all this seems strange to me. I am not trying to be conspiracy girl, but
"At the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul on Monday, 26th of March Obama told Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that once he is elected he can be more flexible with regards to the proposed NATO European defense shield not too far off the Russian border."
This was starting to be a potentially major story/gaffe for Obama, but then the media suddenly began to report on a story that happened almost a month to the day earlier.

Trayvon Martin was shot and killed on February 26th, but the story did not start to go national until right around March the 12th.

It really began to pick up steam in the ensuing weeks, totally wiping out any momentum the "caught off mike" story may have had.

As has been pointed out by both sides many times on this board, this type of shooting occurs too often, and killing of innocent young children who are too often caught in the cross-fire of gang related shooting.

Why select this particular story at this particular time? It seems strange that 1) it has wiped out of the media a fairly telling incident with Obama's thought process, and 2) it has ignited Obama's base, a base that had become thought to be disinterested in the upcoming election, 3) offered up an outstanding opportunity at rallies, marches etc. for voter registration.

I hope I am wrong, but with the NBC situation now disclosed, I feel as if the media is straining to be even more uneven in their reporting than usual.
You are not wrong. Anything to deflect from the price of gas, the gaffe with the open mike, etc. There are way too many deaths among black youth and young adults in this country, but that seems to be lost in this issue. When all the focus is put on one case, it is easy to overlook what is going on on a daily basis in the US. As others have posted, last week (or maybe two weeks ago by now) a very young child (under 1 I think) was killed by a bullet while playing on her porch with her family right there. Where is the national outrage over this? This baby did nothing and yet she is just as dead as Traylon. I wish I knew the answer, but I do know that stirring the racial pot isn't it.
It's an election year with a sitting president who hasn't quite measured up to unrealistic expectations. Gotta energize the base for November, doncha know!
bedhead....I think your timeline is a bit off. Its pretty much as Michtex lays it out. That said, I'm curious as to how the media managed to ignore this from 2/26 to 3/12 - Sharpton included.
bedhead, the alternative media had been blasting the MSM for weeks immediately following Trayvon's murder. It just wasn't interested ih following the shooting of yet another black teen, unitl it was shamed into doing so.
To Reverend Sharpton's credit, this became a national story because of his early coverage of it
I am sure the famlies of the 22 killed by shootings( including a 6 y o girl) and the 40 or so wounded ( including a 10 mon old baby ) in BO's hometown of Chicago just since Tratvon's shooting would love for BO , Sharpton, Jackson or Lee Barr MBC ABC or ANYONE to give their loved ones killing as much attention.

Yes absolutely it was tragic that Trayvon was shot and diedWhy is it MORE tragic than the others?
I listed Chicago alone.
How many innocent lives have been lost in shootings in march alone in the country?

There as a teen ager shot and killed in Philadelphia last week. So far no arrests have been made Where is the outcry ovcer that.

Bedhead is correct. This one tragic incident is being kept alive for purely political purposes.
I am sad for Trayvon's parents. But I am not MORE sad than I am for the parents of the 6 y o or any of the other innocent victims.
It's politcal to you because kids who look like you aren't being stalked and murdered by wannabe cops with criminal histories.
How often is this happening? You make it sound like this is an epidemic. I'm not denying this needs to be addressed, but you're trying to paint the issue of "white-on-black" violence as the no. 1 threat, and every statistic out there says it's just not true.

A great way to stop the polarization and finger-pointing would be to stop trying to paint George Zimmerman as the "typical white guy" that is a representative of the American mindset. He's not. He's one person and he didn't do what he did with my blessing or the blessing of the American people.

If you want to argue that there are still hair triggers out there or that we still have issues with profiling, fine, I'm on board with that. But when you and the president and Al Sharpton try to paint this person as the norm and as a representative of White America, you're just making things worse.

But that's really what you're trying to do, isn't it? The more white people you can get angry, the more chances you have to cry racism. The more people on your "side" think that white people hate them and are looking for excuses to shoot them, the more attention you can get. And that's really what this is all about.
He told you what he meant by soul searching after the AND.

You don't think those Stand Your Ground Laws should be examined?
No, it was to draw attention away from an alien spacecraft found in the desert 3 weeks ago.
It seems a stretch to compare this to an incident in Wisconsin where someone is hiding in someone's back yard and gets shot. There doesn't seem to be any indication that race played a part in the instance you linked - and as much as I hate the idea of a kid dying, it seems to me that staying out of people's back yards would be a great way to avoid things like this in the future.

Even if it is somehow similar, two instances does not exactly constitute an epidemic.
Good vid and actually sharpton makes a good point. So if he truly believes that he can bring an issue to the front and force action WHY isn't he bringing what is happening in chicago, where even the most liberal person would say shootings, deaths and woundings are a concern, to the nationwide media attention?
Why aren't Sharpton, Jackson( who is from chicago), and the other race hustlers protesting in Chicago where more than 20 have died from gun shot wounds just in one month>
They should call for a boycott in chicago until Emanuel arrests all those responsible.

I bring up chicago since it is a site of a really really large number of shooting deaths and wounded with most killers still NOT arrested.

Don't you 89 think more than 20Shot dead ( inlcuding a 6 y o)t and KIlled and over 50 wonded( including a 10 month 0ld) in one month in one city is as disturbing and in need of stopping as one really tragic shooting ?

If not why not?
yes i indentified it as BO's hometown since it IS his hometown and since BO is the one who called for a complete investigation of that tragic single shooting of Trayvon
so of course it is relelvant that such large numbers of shootings are taking place in his home town and I missed his call from him complete investigations of all the shootings in just one month.
Do you have a link for it?

wow you really shouldn't have posted all that since all it does up point up how worthless those calls for change and investigation by the race hustlers really are.
but thanks for going to all that trouble

I wonder of any of the race hustlers are aware of how worthless, from a standpoint of making things better and safer, all their media circuses and threats have been.

Thanks Mich you made it plain.

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