Times set for four games

I dont give a **** that its a national audience, the 11 am timeslot for that game sucks balls. You have to get there by 9 to have any chance to get parking without walking 800 miles, and the fair really isnt doing anything that early in the morning.

That game seriously needs to have the 2:30 timeslot be the perm slot.
So with a 2:30pm kickoff set for Arkansas, this leads to an important question...

Do we start our pig roast early in the morning to allow pregame meal, or do we let that sucker cook all during the game, so we can bring it out in all its glory for a post game victory dinner???
11 am for Texas-ou is pathetic. Of course, if Texas wins, I will re-evaluate.
May I express my extreme displeasure with the game times for Blow - U and Arky? Well, I will anyway - 11 AM for ou is damn criminal, even though I won't be trying to raise bail money the next morning and drift & stumble my way after a Friday night hangover through the lovely fairgrounds to my seats in the newly renovated CB. Besides, crimson clad ou fans look a hellofalot worse at 10:00 - 11:00 in the morning vs. after lunch before a 2:30 kickoff.

Re: the Sept. Arky game at 2:30 PM - doesn't Dodds have any leverage? That kickoff will be a firggin' OVEN with hawg & Horn fans passing out from heat exhaustion / stroke left & right during the game. Later Dodds will promise post-game: "never again at 2:30 in Sept.", etc.... only to be done again the next Sept. vs. some other lame visitor with more teeth than the Arky fans.

Network TV $$$ wins again!!
I think it's sad if someone is so out of shape they can't consume alcohol in the sun for 4 hours and have to resort to water
Sorry but for those of us that do not have tickets 11AM is great.

It means I do not have to miss half of the first quarter while two teams I could care less about finish up their game.

Besides if you cannot party hard early in the morning you are a wuss.
My annual bitching about subjecting the fans to a 2:30 p.m. kickoff in the middle of September in Austin-complete disregard for the health and comfort of the fans. There, I feel better now. Continue ignoring us, UT.
That 230pm kickoff for Arkansas is just ridiculous. By the 4th quarter it could be over 100 and feel about 120 with heat index. I would rather a 10-11 am kickoff vs. this.

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