Time to leave the Big 12

GV Longhorn

100+ Posts
The refs were horrrible two weeks in a row! It appears that the imperative was/is to get OU into the playoff.

WVU got screwed last week and so did Texas this week.

1) How do you miss an obvious false start by OU?

2) How do you miss the pass interference on 'Lil Jordan late in the 4th.

I've had it with the politics and horrible refs in the Big 12 going back to 2007!

Texas does not need the B12, nor does it need a conference.
From what I understand, PAC 12 refs are even worse. Switching conferences only for the hope of better refs isn't a good strategy.
There was a targeting blow over-turned during the game by the General Counsel of the Pac 12. Leach ripped him; questioned his integrity.
I think “bad calls” happen in games (and life, which is also not fair). It’s how u respond that counts. We may be on the way out of the B12 in a couple of years but it should be about the Benjamins not the referees (or how many Benjamins in 10s of millions? (If not more)....
1st we will not go to the SEC. Period. Conferences are not just about sports. Also about grant funding and not enough tier 1 schools. Think we end up in the Big 10 and OU to the SEC. Tech and OSU could be left out completely. LSU fans were threatening to leave the SEC after the aggy game. They got screwed just as bad as we did. Am I the only one that thought they should have been called for a PF on the safety. You can't hit a QB in the head even with your hands/arms which is what happened. I was livid on that play and wondering if I had orange colored glasses on.
Again, this was a BigSky crew, who works Big XII games. That's a gift from Walt Anderson, who subsequently has convinced our moronic commissioner to make another BigSky official head of officials for the Big XII.
If you can figure out why please share, because I'm left with some pretty disgusting thoughts.
I saw a crap ton of PI calls on OU the last two weeks. Many of them were valid. Some were iffy. Some others were commented on by the folks in both booths as questionable. Actually, that they'd seen much more contact previously in their Big 12 games that weren't called PI.

Other than the "blocking him into the parking lot" foul, what was off at WVU? And, as much of a punishment as it was, the booth and the Fox referee consultant said it was the right call.

I think part of what we're seeing is that we're actually seeing more with HD television and replays. The spread out game makes it harder to cover and it's a lot faster now.
Definitely hand to the head......big turn in the game as well as the non call on OU db interefering with LJ
Was never talked about by the announcers. But announcers I've found don't even know the rules 1/2 the time. Drives me crazy. I never played football, but certainly know the rules. OU held big time of the kick return after the safety. Told the wife, see that hold...no call. We do the same damn thing on LJH TD and of course it gets called. I felt like I was watching LSU/aggs all over again. All I ask is consistency. We had a PI called for little to no contact, yet they can tackle the receiver on one of the most important plays of the game. CJ gets called for offensive PI, but they don't. It was too close a game to have it called that one sided. Most of the calls were right, but the 3-4 crucial calls were just killers. And if they are going to be wrong be consistent about it. As the announcers said, they had no idea what PI is in the Big 12. Consistency was as bad as it's going to be and it ruins the integrity of the game. About as bad as what's a catch in the NFL. Personally I'd like to see PI that is called reviewable. Not ones that aren't called. Just have to live with it I suppose or the game would never end. But at least review the ones that are clearly wrong which is I'd guess about 25% of them.
A lot of great discussion. And I certaihnly agree that switching conferences only for the hope of better refs isn't a good strategy. The question here is whether or not Texas woudl be better as an independent.

Think of the schedule possibilites. There is a hybrid to being in a conference too. Texas could form a series of 2-year alliances with conferences. It wouldn't be easy becasue you'd have to figure out how to handle questions related to conference championships.

If we remain in the Big 12, I do like the idea of adding Boise State for sure. Adding BSU alone would give us football from 11am Saturday to 1am Sunday, which would be great.

However, instead of Utah State, what is your assessment -the good bad and ugly- of adding one the following in addition to BSU?

- BYU: A world-wide following and delivers Salt Lake City TV marekt
- Wyoming: Delivers the Denver TV market
- Colorado State: Denver
- Colorado: I know.
- Arizona: delivers Phoenix, great sports fans and a reason to get to Texas
Rangers spring traiing each year.

Lets assume that travel is not an issue. I've never bought this argement against geograpical diversity.

Hook 'em!
And what good are conferences, or conference championships if we end up going to a 8-team playoff?

We have a system today where some conf champs don't get in the playoff (think Washington) and non-winners who do (Bama last year). For example, the Big 10 conference championship will likely prove to be meaningless..

It should be about the best teams always...

That's for another discussion for another time but...