Anyone know or recall when Ticket applications go out? I seem to recall in the past that they were usually due in early May, but I have not seen anything thus far. THX
This is from last year:
Season Ticket Priority Policy - Back to top
Orders received prior to the "Priority Handling Deadline" are filled before all other ticket orders, including individual game orders. The priority handling deadline date is May 29, 2009. All orders are filled in the following priority:
1. Longhorn Foundation donors (When filling single game tickets for Longhorn Foundation members, Longhorn Legacy level donors are filled first.)
2. UT letterwinners
3. Voting faculty / Code 1000 staff members (according to the UT Office of Human Resources)
4. Dues-paying Texas Exes members
5. General public
6. Ticket requests received after the "Priority Handling Deadline" are filled by date of receipt. Priority handling no longer applies.
I seem to remember getting something by email about season tickets last year. Do you want the same as last year, do you want to move. That sort of thing.