Three Forks...


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We're getting dinner at three forks next week...wondering if anybody has hit that place up yet.

We just did Al Bernais (spelled wrong I'm sure) in Dallas..that was what the ****...steak was B- but the sides were some of the best I've ever had. Their mac and cheese has been haunting my dreams ever since.
Have only been to the one in Dallas, had a very good experience. The entire time I thought it was like a "nicer Cool River", turns out they're owned by the same folks, or used to be. I plan to try the Austin one.

Al Biernat's is my favorite steakhouse in Texas.
Yeah Al's was good...I got my steak medium though. I feel like the night would've been perfect had it been medium-rare. But whatever...

And life is a lot more enjoyable when someone else picks up the tab....
I thought it sucked, but I ordered the Halibut. It was the worst dining experience I've had in Austin. I wrote a review on citysearch.
"soured crab" -- nice review! haha

Damn..I'm not so excited now. But we're being treated so I can't make a chane.

Oh well..I'm sure the vodka tonics work.
The III Forks in Dallas was started by Dale Wamstad of Del Frisco's fame after he and Dee Lincoln sold Del Frisco's and after their non-compete ran out. IMO, the steaks are as good as what you will get at Del Frisco's, Ruth Chris, etc.

I have not been to the one in Austin.

We ate there tonight for my birthday dinner. Medium rare filet was muy excelente. I don't eat much beef, but when I do, it just tastes that much better.

In a few short hours, I will turn fifty. Does that still qualify as middle-age, or will I be taking the first step toward senior citizen status?
ate at the one in austin and thought it was great. great service, atmosphere, wine, and the med rare filet was outstanding. it's nice to have another good steak house in austin.