This sounds quite civil


'Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. “La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war,” says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.

Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona isn’t hoping for any sort of war, but believes it may be unavoidable. “For generations, our people have prepared us to take back the lands of the Southwest that were stolen from our Mexican ancestors. Because of the bad economy and many racist laws, Latinos will be forced to fight sooner than later,” says Mrs. Maldonado.

Latino groups believe they have enough people in states such as California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to successfully wage a war on the United States. Who’s side will you be on?"The Link

Of course we only have Longoria's word for it that laraza and MECHa have called for latinos to arm themselves and we only have Mrs Maldonado's word that latinos have prepared themsevles for generations to take back lands that they somehow think were stolen.

and of course We don't have to wonder if Obama said latinos should punish their enemies. We know he did
Ah civility.
Most importantly- are they planning to take away our Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants? They can have Southern Arizona- but do not take away quesadillas and fajitas.
If you want to talk about Arizonans and civility why don't you start a thread about the Pima Co (containing Rep. Giffords district) GOP raffling off a Glock in order to raise a thousand bucks. You only care about a lack of civility when you perceive it from a left-leaning source.
?? WTF?
so Pima county Az GOP is raffling a glock.
does it say in the notice that ONLY anglos can buy tickets and win it?
does it say it is only to be used to defend the land against mexicans?

I swear to God this is the most blatant strawman ever posted on here
I'm not equating the two, I'm saying that 6721 feigns offense at anything remotely "uncivil" from the left while ignoring everything done by the right. This isn't about this thread, he has a history of these joke "uncivil" threads. I'm not surprised that sailed right over your collective heads.
dheiman - excuse me if I'm unswayed by your opinion, considering the source. I think the GOP auctioning of a Glock, in order to raise a grand, in the same area where a Congressmember was shot in the head just months ago is at the very least extremely poor judgment, and likely meant just a little bit to tweak Democrats.

but of course, you guys are wetting your pants over La Raza like usual and fail to see the absurdity in 6721s "civility" posts. I knew I should not have responded, but sometimes I can't help myself.
did you forget that the same madman that shot Giffords KILLED a Republican Judge?

You are trying too hard to construct an equvalency between the Pima county GOP raffling off the best selling gun in the USA to raise money and groups of latinos who for years have called for la reconquista including advocating violence to do it.

edit to ask
BTW I had not even heard that the AZ county GOP was auctioning off a gun. When did you read this? do you have a link?
Obama on "punishing" enemies

Oh my, Obama was urging Latinos to vote. That's exactly the same thing as supporting an armed insurrection!!!!!

Suddenly the absurd gun auction comparison finds a use in this thread.

Obama urging people to vote to "punish enemies" is just as akin to the insurrection as the gun auction is akin to it.

What a great thread.

The idiot predicting Civil War is a marginal moron with delusions. If he is encouraging civil war, he should be arrested.

Does anyone believe there is substance to his prediction? The aliens landing and curing cancer is in the same order of likelihood.

In yet another criticism of a post I made yesterday for which I provided a link You post something with no verifying link that you say also came out yesterday?

Your obsession is clouding your rationality.

The 2 stories are not equivalent and to take issue with me because I did not mention a story you did not even link and I did not even know existed is bizarre
IRC - I never equated the two. Again (what is this, the third or fourth time?), my post was to point out the ridiculous nature of 6721's "civility" posts. Again, that point has flown right over your collective heads. Again, I'm not surprised.

AwK - I know you see the issues with the GOP raffling a Glock in Giffords district, especially when it's going to raise a grand total of $1,250. At the very least it's extremely distasteful.
no johnnym
you did equate the 2. Have the honesty to admit it
and you used an example that you did not link that you said came out the same time I posted the OP yesterday

You tried to make out that the Pima county GOP was unfeeling because it was the same kind of gun that was used in the giffords shooting yet you didn't mention it was the same gun that killed a GOP Judge.
so this was a purely political stunt by you and it fails.

if your snark had included the mention of a dead GOP judge you might have had some credibility

Correct me (yet again) if I'm wrong, but you were commenting on the fact that the OP pointed out the incivility of a (Leftist) group calling for the reconquista of the American Southwest, but that he totally ignored an inconsequential handgun raffle in Arizona.


You absolutely WERE make an equivalency comparison. A stupid one, but nonetheless.

As another poster noted above, you usually try harder.

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