This may help with all the cheating

bull rush

100+ Posts
For years now I've felt that it's damn near impossible for a coach, or even an "institution" to control recruiting violations. So, holding them accountable - leaves us with this nonsense we're in right now.

What are your thoughts about punishing the PLAYER. Isn't he/she responsible as well?

I think to myself - what are the odds the lame NCAA will punish players if they're not even dealing with the schools/boosters/parents??? So, it's probably never going to happen - but I'd applaud it if it did.

I wonder how many of these "shoppers" would want to risk a year or two of eligibility?

Do you thinks it's feasable or even a good idea?
OU would never be able to field a football team if you ban the players.
I think that's a much smarter way of doing it...IF you can catch active players. What would you suggest be done to players in the NFL or post-graduation? Stripping them of 'ship eligibility is pretty useless after the fact.
I think you are going down the right path. Eventually I think the NCAA will punish the schools and the schools will turn & file civil suits against the players (provided they are no longer with the program). The issue will be the school proving they were not somehow complicit.
It would be that much harder on the NCAA to prove anything if all parties involved were held accountable.
As it is now with the lack of focus on cheating from the NCAA about the only way they can have confirmation that something went on is if the player(s) actually fess up.
If they could be held liable then I would image the NCAA would have that much tougher time getting a finding.
"It would be that much harder on the NCAA to prove anything if all parties involved were held accountable.
As it is now with the lack of focus on cheating from the NCAA about the only way they can have confirmation that something went on is if the player(s) actually fess up.
If they could be held liable then I would image the NCAA would have that much tougher time getting a finding. "

That's a good point "73. The NCAA would have to provide some sort of immunity to players coming forward (and they still probably would be reluctant). Unfortunately the NCAA cannot levy any type of perjury charge, so there is no real incentive for players not to lie.
Getting a pair of balls, a spine and some teeth would fix the problem. Making more rules to not enforce isn't going to change anything.
Sinless1 - good point, I guess just punish the school if the player is already gone.....

'73 - I figured a sooner would let us know how the NCAA is hamstrung.

I don't know much detail here, that's why I posted it. I just think, generally speaking, that if the players had some risk here, some of this junk would stop.

It's kind of like a little pad-lock that only serves to keep an honest man honest. Some of these guys wouldn't dream of taking "perks" if their own asses were on the line as well.

I agree with the poster who nailed it when he said the NCAA needs to nut up and do their jobs.......... but, is this going to happen?

We need a stronger deterrent IMO.
Why not have the players sign a contract upon signing saying they are amatuer athletes, define what that means, and then agree that they are liable to repay to the school (or the ncaa)any money they are found to have taken which violates that status, up to the full value of their scholarship. If you make it a legal agreement wouldn't the ncaa have more teeth?
If only other coaches had the integrity and honor of bob stoops we wouldn't even be having a discussion...

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