Mr. Wizard, yes I got into many fights all through school. And it was just boys being boys, we got licks, and that was that. But even with my rural redneck upbringing, ANY fight that was 6 or 1 was not the norm. It would be considered chicken ****, no matter the color of the fighters. But if you had a 6 or 1 white on black or black on white, it would be considered more than just a regular fight.
Based on my limited knowledge, I would not have charged the six with attempted murder, but I would have charged them as strongly as I could legally, just shy of that.
And just for a reminder, according to the 2004 FBI National Crime Victimization Survey, in the case of interracial crimes, more than twice as many whites are murdered by blacks than cases of whites murdering blacks. So don't make this out like the norm in our society is poor helpless abused blacks are suffering at the hands of mean oppressive whites. Thats bull ****.