Third in Big XII


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With Iowa state and Okie state losing the Horns finish in a four way tie for third all at 5-4 and Texas wins the tie braker as they were 2-1 against the other three teams. Okie State was also 2-1 but Horns have head to head tie braker with win. KSU and ISU were both 1-2 against other teams and K-State has that tie braker off head to head. This only matters for bowl implications but if OU and Baylor both make New Years six games then Alamo Bowl is a distinct possibility.
Bama losing puts OU in the playoffs unless
  1. Baylor beats OU
  2. Georgia beats LSU or
  3. Committee just feels like they have to throw a bone to the PAC
Puts loser of the CCG in the Sugar. Way we have played no sure we need to be playing Oregon but at least it gives us a nice game to try and get up for.
With Iowa state and Okie state losing the Horns finish in a four way tie for third all at 5-4 and Texas wins the tie braker as they were 2-1 against the other three teams. Okie State was also 2-1 but Horns have head to head tie braker with win. KSU and ISU were both 1-2 against other teams and K-State has that tie braker off head to head. This only matters for bowl implications but if OU and Baylor both make New Years six games then Alamo Bowl is a distinct possibility.

Bowls pick in the order listed; ie, Big 12 #3, but dont have to pick the 3rd best team. they can choose whom they want based on other factors (anticipated ticket sales, how often has the team played in that bowl, etc). there are certain bowl obligations (citrus must pick the big10 and sec teams with the most wins not going to playoffs or NYD 6)
If you put your Burnt Orange glasses on, we lost to 3 Top 10 teams (including #2 and possibly #4). I can live with this outcome. What I can't live with is losing to Iowa State and TCU. That has to stop!
Committee just feels like they have to throw a bone to the PAC
This. The winner of the PAC-12 will have one loss. The difference in the teams is Oregon is all offense (like ou) and Utah is all defense. However, neither as the 4th seed would fare well against aOSU or LSU whichever is #1.
I think Alamo bowl is it as well. OU is getting in the cfp with a win Saturday against Baylor and LSU will take care of Georgia. No way they put Utah in. That would send Baylor to the sugar bowl. With San Antonio just down the road that place would sell out instantly in our favor.
You think Baylor has a chance in the champ game against OU and the conference referees?
You think Baylor has a chance in the champ game against OU and the conference referees?
Not really. OUs OLine is playing lights out right now. They just destroyed OSUs DLine last night. All else being equal, I always go with the team that can push the pile and win the LOS.
That is the issue, the conference referees. No doubt Baylor will have to both beat OU and overcome a few egregious calls against them.
Can someone explain this to me?
I understand when OU is the only team that has a chance in, but outside of those situations, is this Big12 pro-OU conspiracy that is mentioned around here real? I mean, I believe Baylor has as good of a chance in if they beat OU, so why would Big12 care who goes? Been wanting to ask this for a while...You guys know something I dont....?
What's to know? The Big XII officials are led by Walleye Burks, arguably one of the worst referees to come out of the BigSky conference, and equally as bad as one of Walt Anderson's "appointees". We are saddled with horrific officials, only two of whom are good, and Mike and Cooper are saddled with **** crews. I don't think there are any shenanigans favoring OU, particularly now that Duncan and Anderson are gone.

Add to that the fact that Dr Boren was in control and his replacement can't find Owen Field if you give him a map and tour guide.
If CJ and the DB’s will be healthy, I hope we play a team higher ranked than us.

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