Then and Now...



Which of these deserved the penalty for the rules at the time?

Give that SC freshman some credit, he got up and shook it off. I bet our freshman DB’s a very familiar with St. Brown from the all star circuit. I’m pretty sure they all dreamed about a shot like that. He’s not the quite type. Clean IMO, not malicious or dirty, but agree after the replay. Too bad he juggled the ball or it probably would have been a play on. Made Huff want to put a helmet back on.
Targeting as a penalty didn't exist back then, I don't think, so both calls were correct in terms of the rules in place.

I don't mind targeting being called and getting a stiff penalty. An ejection for a first offense, which may have been accidental, is too harsh. How about 1st offense is must sit out one play, 2nd offense in same game is must sit out two quarters?
That’s my favorite hit along with Tony Brackens blowing up the Tech Punter in 95’ or so. Good times! I would always go for the big hit as a CB in HS. Times are changing now.
The Arkansas return man laid out by freshman Jeff Leiding on the opening kickoff on Labor Day Weekend of 1980 (??) would like to talk to you.

Perhaps not as hard, but more important, Richard Peavy's hit knocking Marcus Dupree out of college football was pretty damn impressive.

Give that SC freshman some credit, he got up and shook it off. I bet our freshman DB’s a very familiar with St. Brown from the all star circuit. I’m pretty sure they all dreamed about a shot like that. He’s not the quite type. Clean IMO, not malicious or dirty, but agree after the replay. Too bad he juggled the ball or it probably would have been a play on. Made Huff want to put a helmet back on.
Hard to believe he gathered that ball back in. Amazing skills by him indeed
Anybody got video of Chris Samuels getting knocked out of the '91 Cotton Bowl on the first play of the game so we can cast judgement on The U?
Anybody got a video of Steve McMichael laying out Curtis Dickey on opening kickoff at The Cesspool on the Brazos? Hardest hit in the history of that stadium.

Our kicker was injured, and we didn't have a kicker. I asked Akers what he was going to do. He said this freshman DL had kicked in HS and they had been working with him. Our kicker never ran down the field; he just kicked off and ran off the field. The Aggies assigned no one to block the kicker. BamBam had a 40 yard head of steam when Dickey grabbed the kick in the end zone and came up the West sideline. The 500+ pound train wreck happened around the 20 yard line. Steve hit Dickey so hard that he landed against the concrete retaining wall, then went to the bench and refused to go in the game. Physical threats by a couple of OL and the FB caused Dickey to reconsider, although I think a friend of mine used some colorful language explaining to Dickey that he was quite sure that he convince the police that Dickey had died from the hit Steve laid on him.

Anybody got a video of Steve McMichael laying out Curtis Dickey on opening kickoff at The Cesspool on the Brazos? Hardest hit in the history of that stadium.

Our kicker was injured, and we didn't have a kicker. I asked Akers what he was going to do. He said this freshman DL had kicked in HS and they had been working with him. Our kicker never ran down the field; he just kicked off and ran off the field. The Aggies assigned no one to block the kicker. BamBam had a 40 yard head of steam when Dickey grabbed the kick in the end zone and came up the West sideline. The 500+ pound train wreck happened around the 20 yard line. Steve hit Dickey so hard that he landed against the concrete retaining wall, then went to the bench and refused to go in the game. Physical threats by a couple of OL and the FB caused Dickey to reconsider, although I think a friend of mine used some colorful language explaining to Dickey that he was quite sure that he convince the police that Dickey had died from the hit Steve laid on him.


One of my favs!
No, he didn't lead with the helmet and also didn't make contact with Holmes' head. Still blew him the f up though!
Let me rephrase, as it I know it was a clean hit. for one thing, Herbie and Musburger didn't say anything, and they were always second guessing the calls.
My question was really would it be flagged anreviewed, and I would say most likely yes. Of course, we have seen clean hits get called and vice versa.
Let me rephrase, as it I know it was a clean hit. for one thing, Herbie and Musburger didn't say anything, and they were always second guessing the calls.
My question was really would it be flagged anreviewed, and I would say most likely yes. Of course, we have seen clean hits get called and vice versa.
That is how all the blocks should be. It's okay to be violently physical, just don't lead with your head and don't target theirs. This is textbook in my opinion.
"That’s my favorite hit along with Tony Brackens blowing up the Tech Punter in 95’ or so."

I was dating a sorority girl for a little while, who had told me she was "friends" with Tony Brackens. I thought that was neat. Then one day I was in her room, and she checked her answering machine for messages. There was one from an angry sounding man "Yo <Redacted> This Tony. Call me back!"

I nearly shat myself. She tried to laugh it off. But I could not get the image of Texas Tech's punter with my face superimposed on his body out of my head. I quit the field.
I know this won't rank up there with most of these hits, but I love it when a kicker has the moxy to deliver a real hit.
Didn't Dickson light someone up pretty good a year or two ago?
I'm looking for it....
And I personally thought Lockes hit in week 2 was pretty awesome. Don't know what it looked like in person but on TV he just flew in like a missle from the right side of the screen (wasn't even in the frame when he launched) and it was like whoa...
Let me rephrase, as it I know it was a clean hit. for one thing, Herbie and Musburger didn't say anything, and they were always second guessing the calls.
My question was really would it be flagged anreviewed, and I would say most likely yes. Of course, we have seen clean hits get called and vice versa.
Herbie said good things about that hit from what I remember. Said it was a clean hit, never said it should have been a penalty.