The PIt - BBQ on Burnet


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I remember reading in another thread that someone said The Pit BBQ on Burnet was a decent place. I've been avoiding it for some time because it looks like a bit of a hole. That said, it is reasonably close to me, so if it is decent I wanted to give it a try. Anyone want to give me any tips on what they do well there (and maybe what they do poorly as well, so I know what to avoid)...

Right around the corner from my house. Solid chopped beef sammiches -- 3 for $4.95, I believe. I will pick that up every now and then -- 1 each for me and the wife, and the kids split one. They're really pretty good, but you have to add some sauce, pickles, onions, etc.

Otherwise, it is just a good, normal neighborhood cue joint. Decent brisket, decent sausage, good chicken.

And the owner is a nice guy -- he sells me split oak logs cheap for doing my own smoking at home. so I try to support them a bit to return the favor.
on par with Bert's. nothing blows you away, but everything is good. solid place. go eat there.
Is this place related to The Pit that was on 2222 and Dry Creek?

I haven't eaten there in about 15 years, but I remember liking it for the chopped beef sandwiches. It was kind of a hole in the wall place. I don't even know if it's still there.
The Pit on 2222 and Dry Creek closed about 3 months ago. The building was put up for sale/lease, and subsequently bought or leased about a month later. No sign of who's moving in yet.

I was interested in buying the building and met with the realtor at the site. He wanted too much money for it, but mentioned to me that Maudie's had been interested in leasing it. He said Maudie's was dragging their feet on the deal so they put it on the market.
I didn't mean "hole in the wall" so much as a "********"... not that it was, just that is what it looks like from the outside. That said, I'm more comfortable with a "hole in the wall" mexican restaurant than a BBQ restaurant. Maybe just a result of the fact I grew up in SA.

Thanks everyone for your input on this. We're probably going this week.
whatever happened to that Pit off of 2222 & Dry Creek? i used to live in the gables off 2222 & mesa for 2.5 years about 4 years ago and not once did i stop in that Pit. i did however stop at that shell gas station about 100 times buying beer.........
I always forget that place is even there.

We used to go there when I was a kid. It's been there forever.

I'm going to have to swing by.

The Pit off of 2222 had a damn good burger. I never cared for their que but the burgers were cooked over an open flame & were yummy.
I live pretty close to there and eat there once in a while. The brisket is good and I like the turkey. I don't know anything about the sandwiches since I usually try to avoid the bread. I don't like their sauce that much. It's sweeter than I Iike.

Go to Sam's on E. 12th. or Ben's Long Branch on E. 11th.

Or, go to Lockhart and try Kreuz's, Black's, or Smitty's.
I asked my dad about it. He said Richard Jones was the original owner and had one Pit (I forget the location). He died and it was left to his son. It got expanded to all of these other locations sometime along the way. It used to be better before expansion.

Richard Jones = RJ
Musta driven past The Pit on Burnet about a zillion times & for some gawdawful reason, never spotted it.

I was doing a roof on Clay (about 1 mile N & 2 blocks E of there) & while the crew was doing the finishing touches & I had about 2 hours 'til complete, I hunted for some snackins.

Lo & behold, there's The Pit. Looks like a perfectly good hole in the wall, so I stopped in. Great day to do so. The 'cue was good - got the 2 meater; brisket & pork ribs. I have this habit of always asking if they've got a personally saved beef rib or two hiding in back; no luck yet but one day I'll be rewarded for my persistence.

Anyhow, no beefers (again) but some mighty good 'cue. The place is small inside; don't go with a lot of folks 'cause they only have one table that will seat 6. The ribs were tender & had a good, smoky flavor. The sides were just right & even though the drink fountain is behind the counter, there wasn't a charge for soda refills.

Very friendly bunch & while I was there reading the newspaper & noshing, @ least 6 different people came in - varied in age from 20's to 70's & they all seemed to be known by their first name.

I'll be sure to stop in again the next time I'm working close to the hood.

I think Kreuz in Lockhart sucks. He's way too proud of himself & I much rather prefer Black's.

i went there last night, and it is quite serviceable. i got the brisket and ribs. very good smoky flavor on both. the ribs were much better than i expected. the brisket had good flavor, but was definitely on the dry side. the sauce needs improvement. i am a potato salad fiend, my favorite being at schoepf's in belton. this was more mayonaissey/creamy than i prefer, but i ate it all. the cobbler was solid.

the little old lady behind the counter is really nice, and you can tell she's proud of her little joint. i'll definitely go back.
Growing up in Travis Heights, I used to walk over to the one on South Congress all the time (or is that an RJ Pitts?). It's like going back in time to pre-Soco South Congress, which is a good thing.
Richard Jones Pit BBQ was the t-shirt sponsor of one of my little league baseball teams growing up. Played at Balcones which at the time was just north of where the Harrods Outlet is on MoPac near 183.