The off-season SUCKS !!


250+ Posts
...that's all !
Yes, however today is May 1st, which in my household is also known as "**** you offseason day". Four months down, four to go.
This is the time of year I have to do my best to justify my excessive drinking. I believe boredom is the righteous excuse... no?

Damn offseason
well, i work at a store that carries UT stuff (not team spirit) and people will come in and ask for certain things. I keep having to say "We only carry that during football season"'s getting really old...
A small part of me always dies at this time and then is revived in August.

Looking at the countdown timer on makes me sad.
Too busy with tests right now to worry about the off-season, but in about a week I'll be in the same boat y'all are in. I guess mad NCAA Football sessions are the drug I'll employ to keep me afloat.