Let me say that I voted for Obama and previous to that I voted for GWB, so I am not a republican nor a democrat. I basically vote for whomever I think is going to do the best job for AMERICANS. I think GWB was the right man for 9/11 and that's about the only positive I can think of for him while he was in office. Obama...I cannot think of one thing that he has done for AMERICANS.
Politicians, all of them, only care about re-elections. Until this mindset is changed, no policies will benefit Americans as a whole. Instead, each party will vote on measures that only benefits a small percentage of Americans. Typically, the Pubs vote for business and the "rich" (although I don't necessarily buy the "rich" part) and the Dems will side on the poor and "unfortunate" (I don't buy this either, I think they use this just for votes). If anyone would actually study a bill and what it will do, I think you will find that it only affects a small percentage of Americans. Now, there are some bills that do affect a large portion of the public but those are few and far between each other.
I feel the reason this issue is important and why no politician wants to commit to a true solution is because they know that it will affect EVERY American. The solution is simple but not what Americans want; the solution is SACRIFICE. We as a society have to learn to sacrifice but this government has decided years ago that we should be raised to expect everything given to us. This mentality has to stop, and it needs to stop now. It might cost some political careers but it needs to be done.
Unfortunately, I don't think it will every happen since we are talking about politicians. Now, this brings me to my point that I was trying to address to you anyway. I think the others bring a valid point about what specifically is Obama presenting to the Pubs for his proposed cuts? I think he is just saying that and isn't giving any specifics to the Pubs either. I think the Pubs would have come out and said the president has proposed this and that but we don't agree with that--but that hasn't happened. It hasn't happened because I think the Pubs have no idea what those cuts are since Obama hasn't outlined anything specific.
I would like to know specifics, since I voted for this guy. I actually feel embarrassed to tell anyone that I voted for this guy but I did.