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The new Black Panther party has put a bounty for Zimmerman for $10,000. This is outrageous. We aren't freaking Libya where we catch a person and do our own justice. For this to even be suggested by this group is very troubling. Where are we as a country that a group like this can intimdate at polling booths or put a bounty for an individuals that are accused by them as murderer. Is there not any consquences for their behavior?
I'm sick and tired of this group being bullies and nobody will stand up to their behavior. Again, this is America and not some taliban lead country. If Zimmerman's guilty, justice will be done and we don't need this erratic behavior from this group.
I'm sick and tired of this group being bullies and nobody will stand up to their behavior. Again, this is America and not some taliban lead country. If Zimmerman's guilty, justice will be done and we don't need this erratic behavior from this group.