Wayyyy unsafe to post here. But basically some dude at coachella dressed as some kind of wizard strips naked, refuses to dress, and ultimately gets tazed.
I think he was in the "bigger geeks, I have not seen" video from a few years back.
Seemed like the cops were trying to be cool about it and were pretty patient with the guy.
I'm not sure what they were supposed to do, but it doesn't seem like it had to turn out that way. The big cop dropping his knee on the guy's chest seemed unnecessary.
That said, there is something about that video that makes me feel more manly. Can't quite put my finger on it.
I guess I think it's all about context. Appears that no one really had a serious problem with a naked goofball running around. But, I guess that argument will hold up only so far.
Seems to me that it didn't have to end so badly for everyone involved. The cop with the tazer seemed a little too much into using it.
interesting crowd dynamics. almost turned on those cops.
dude should have just been escorted offsite and then tazered in private where those officers could get their beatin' on.
Knee drop was the only inappropriate thing I saw in that whole thing. Besides the dumbass coachella turds thinking they were edward r murrow over there with that video.
Who was he hurting that he deserved to be shocked with a Tazer?
I hate dirty, stinking hippies - especially ones with ponytails - as much as anyone, but all I saw was a guy making other guys proud of their weenie sizes and women thanking God their boyfriends/husbands don't have a micro-penis.
that dude had no penis. Seriously, it was more of a nubbin than a penis. If he is normal, then I am a God.
It was his own damn fault that he got tazed. What did he expect the cops to do, leave him alone to roam around with his nubbin penis in the crowds? Only thing I wish they'd done is use their nightsticks. Nothing wrong with what the cops did here.
Watching the wizard get tasered was waaaay less traumatizing than seeing his nonexistent penis. Maybe he used to be a woman and when he got his lady parts changed, they botched the surgery???
Wow, I thought y'all were exaggerating about the size thing. Nope.
Also, the cops seemed pretty reasonable up until they seemed to start getting a bit taser-happy.
Why not just drag the guy away? He was obviously off his nut and disruptive, so what is the point of demanding that he get dressed?
A big problem was the fact that there were three cops there dealing with it. They are all authority figures whose pride is at stake when they are not being listened to by a naked crazy guy, so they will all ratchet up their responses to avoid losing face (hence tazering someone who didn't need tazering and knee-dropping a guy already on the ground).
People legally allowed to carry guns should receive a lot more training in how to handle these types of innocuous situations without letting their own personal pride and pack instinct dominate them.
If you see a naked guy running around and refusing a reasonable request you grab him, drag him away, throw him in the squad car, and take him away from the situation. You don't need to beat him. You don't need to tazer him.
dude should be punished for the knee drop. the "offender" had his arms on the ground when it happened. at no point did any of his actions threaten the cops....
Yes I am. For some reason we seem to believe that every cop has an "agenda" and we should not have to follow their instructions. He brought that upon himself and he had to deal with the consequences. Seems alot better than being whipped upside the head with a billyclub