The Imperial President Strikes Again


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Not only does King Obama have nothing but disdain for Congress, now he's dumping on the Supreme Court too. Right after the SCOTUS ruled 8-0 that Az. police can question people stopped for another offense about their immigration status, Obama ordered ICE to quit responding to queries from Az. about the person's citizenship status, thus rendering the Supreme Court decision meaningless.

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If true, given the questionable source, Obama will have to backtrack. It is no different than the local government deciding that it will not respond to 911 calls.

It is an interesting constitutional case, though. The legislative branch is free to decide what statutes it will write, as long as it stays within the constitutionally protected rights of individuals. Likewise, the judicial branch has a degree of judicial discretion. And the executive branch also has various discretionary powers including prosecutorial discretion.

However, the president has to pledge to uphold the law when he is sworn into office. I wonder if this delves into contract law. The swearing in seems to be a binding contract to me. Anyway, for you attorneys, what laws might be at play in this case?
I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for residents of Arizona. The state was stripped of any power to enforce the law and the fed laughed and pissed in their collective face. If Obama wins that state any whining about the benevolent drug cartels, which are not a problem according to homeland security, will fall on deaf ears.
It is being reported in their local news.

This is really, really stupid, especially in an election year. It makes the Administration look petty and vindictive. They're basically taking the State of Arizona's efforts to help the federal government do their job and spitting it in their face, regardless of any potential impact on public order, crime, etc. The message is essentially - "we know we're not enforcing the law, and we don't want to. We sure as hell don't want your help, and f*ck you for highlighting our failures in public and before the Supreme Court."

After this, he can pretty well forget about carrying Arizona, but the implications of this move (if properly exploited by Romney) could have repercussions beyond there.

For example, if an illegal immigrant gets stopped by an Arizona police department, and ICE refuses to take the cop's phone call, and the immigrant ends up hurting or killing somebody, people will be seriously pissed off. He'll pay the price far beyond Arizona.
The sad thing is how everyone who supports BO will portray this as Repubs being anti Hispanic including the media
I wonder if Hispanics would see this issue the same way if it were asians or russians coming in illegally and presenting the costs and problems .
If you follow the talking heads, the dems think this is a potential game changer for the election. They think more people in the country feel like they do about immigration than those in Az. They think Romney is uncomitted on this issue.

I think it is another bad political decision for BO. He will galvanize his base with this but, imo, anger the middle that he needs to win. I understand the decision made here, and truthfully, i fall much closer to BO on immigration than the hard line repubs. But, BO is absolutely disregarding the SC decision, at least indirectly, and to openly tell a federal law enforcement branch to ignore a state is unprecedented and a political disaster. I hope Romney exploits this.
The legal ones, that have gone to public school and should be able to at least communicate in English and don't wear University of Michigan hats with Ohio State t-shirts are not going to have to worry about it.

It is the guys that wear University of Michigan hats with New York Ranger T-shirts driving an old clunker 10 mph under the speed limit and don't speak a lick of english that are going to be asked for their papers. As the cop walks up to the car they are going to be saying no english no english.......
This treasonous ********** belongs behind bars, plain and simple. It is mind-boggling that people - including our batshit crazy liberal press - still support him.
He is really dangerous in the White House. The precedents that he is setting are really disturbing. Need to get him out ASAP.
I am not crazy and I am gong to vote for him again. I think he has done a fairly good job with all of the bad problems this country has. You guys enjoy telling each other how bad he is and making up condescending names for him, but he is much smarter than you give him credit for and has an even chance of winning again.
so you agree with the decision the BO admin made? You know, the topic of the OP?
here in case you didn't read
'The Obama administration said Monday it is suspending existing agreements with Arizona police over enforcement of federal immigration laws, and said it has issued a directive telling federal authorities to decline many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants that the Homeland Security Department may get from Arizona police. "'

Do you Mboy agree with this decision?
What is really hard to believe of even a Bo admin is the BO Admin will no longer answer any call from a FEDERALLY trained Az law enforcement officer complying with federal alw
BUT the BO admin will answer any call from an illegal who wants to complain of treatment.
I did not know there was a federal hot line for illegals to complain about the way they were alegelly treated.

this is not a complaint about the hot line it is the sheer lunacy of BO to tell Az to f off, that BO don't have to obery any stinkin federal alws.

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